2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...

2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...

2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...


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dkrause on DSKHT7XVN1PROD with $$_JOB192Cyber warfare capabilities: As a Commission-sponsored <strong>report</strong>previously noted, the PLA has a growing cyber warfare capabilityfueled in part by a belief that modern militaries, including the U.S.military, are overly reliant on networked computer systems <strong>to</strong> conductcombat operations. In the PLA’s view, this creates an opening<strong>to</strong> be exploited in an effort <strong>to</strong> paralyze or degrade a superior opponent’scombat capabilities. 216 A recent study by a U.S. think tank,the Center for Strategic <strong>and</strong> Budgetary Assessments, describedhow Chinese defense writings emphasize cyber attacks ‘‘againstU.S. battle networks aimed at disrupting logistics, corrupting [comm<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> control] systems, degrading fire control radars, denyingessential services, <strong>and</strong> degrading U.S. counter-space control, spacesituational awareness <strong>and</strong> space ground control stations.’’ 217Counterspace capabilities: As section 3 of this chapter details, thePLA has sought <strong>to</strong> develop its abilities <strong>to</strong> deny the use of space <strong>to</strong>a technologically superior opponent. Describing the reasoning behindthe PLA’s drive for counterspace capabilities, General Deptulawrote:<strong>China</strong> recognizes the overwhelming advantage the US hasin the space domain <strong>and</strong> its key role in our ability <strong>to</strong> collect,analyze <strong>and</strong> rapidly share data. They underst<strong>and</strong> howdependent U.S. warfighters have become upon space products<strong>and</strong> services for comm<strong>and</strong>ing deployed troops, passing[intelligence, surveillance, <strong>and</strong> reconnaissance] data, <strong>and</strong>enabling precision targeting <strong>and</strong> engagement. <strong>China</strong> viewsthat reliance as a significant, exploitable vulnerability <strong>and</strong>has written extensively about the subject in both opensource journals <strong>and</strong> military doctrine. As a result, they areactively pursuing a comprehensive array of space <strong>and</strong>counterspace programs intended <strong>to</strong> degrade, disrupt, deny,or destroy our ability <strong>to</strong> gain <strong>and</strong> maintain access <strong>to</strong> the regionin the event of a conflict. 218Joint operations: According <strong>to</strong> Mr. Cooper, in 1999 the ChineseCommunist Party emphasized that the PLA focuses on acquiringthe ability <strong>to</strong> conduct joint operations * as a means successfully <strong>to</strong>counter a more capable enemy. 219 In General Deptula’s assessment,the ability successfully <strong>to</strong> conduct joint operations willstrongly improve the PLA’s overall combat capacity. 220 Currently,the PLA’s ability <strong>to</strong> conduct joint operations remains a work inprogress. However, Mr. Cooper described in detail three ways inwhich the PLA is currently attempting <strong>to</strong> improve its ability <strong>to</strong> doso:• Deploy a comm<strong>and</strong> system that integrates in<strong>to</strong> one networkedsystem the PLA’s disparate comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control, communications,electronic warfare, targeting, <strong>and</strong> logistics systems.* Joint operations are a form of military operations that involve two or more separate militaryservices working <strong>to</strong> conduct highly integrated combat operations where the synthesized combatpower is more than the individual capabilities simply added <strong>to</strong>gether. A textbook example of ajoint operation is Operation Desert S<strong>to</strong>rm (1991), where the U.S. military <strong>and</strong> coalition forcesexpelled occupying Iraqi forces from Kuwait. See, for example, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint MilitaryOperations His<strong>to</strong>rical Collection (Washing<strong>to</strong>n, DC: Department of Defense, July 15, 1997),pp. V–1—V–15.VerDate Nov 24 2008 13:46 Nov 10, <strong>2011</strong> Jkt 067464 PO 00000 Frm 00204 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 G:\GSDD\USCC\<strong>2011</strong>\067464.XXX 067464

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