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aistand south~ern afrkca - (PDF, 101 mb) - USAID

aistand south~ern afrkca - (PDF, 101 mb) - USAID


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1982, ,hegovernment constituted a committee to<br />

provide an in-depth examination of the socioeconomic<br />

problems associated with group<br />

ranches as a basis for effecting future changes<br />

and subdivision of group ranches (Kenya<br />

Government, 1982). Finally the government<br />

allowed group ranches in Kajiado to d-cide on the<br />

issue of subdivision through voting by me<strong>mb</strong>ers<br />

in each ranch (Kenya Government, 1983). Each<br />

group ranch had to meet the following conditions<br />

to get approval for subdivision:<br />

" Tb pay up all monies the group ranch owed to<br />

the Agricultural Finance Corporation. Thi.i<br />

condition proved difficult to meet since most<br />

me<strong>mb</strong>ers were reluctant to pay their share of<br />

the loan. Some ranches with marketable land<br />

managed to sell a portion of their ranch to<br />

raise the required funds.<br />

" To resolve the issue of the registration of<br />

grown up young mcn in the ranch. However,<br />

"<br />

politics and corruption complicated this issue.<br />

'b convene a general meeting to dissolve the<br />

group ranch and clear the minutes with<br />

relevant authorities and to obtain official<br />

permission from the registrar of groups to<br />

dissolve the group.<br />

On fulfillment of. ese conditions, the group<br />

ranch committee with the help of government<br />

personnel could e<strong>mb</strong>ark on the process of<br />

subdivision. The approved practice was<br />

subdivision into equal shares of land for all<br />

registered me<strong>mb</strong>ers. By Dece<strong>mb</strong>er 1984 the<br />

status of the issue of the subdivision of the 51<br />

group ranches in Kajiado - ..<br />

was as follows (Sadera,<br />

1986):<br />

" Seven ranches (14%) had been subdivided,<br />

The size of individual holding ranged from 49<br />

ha (8.4 SU) to 298 ha (50 SU);<br />

" Twenty-two ranches had resolved not to<br />

subdivide but to remain as group ranches;<br />

" The government was initially opposed to<br />

subdivision as it was felt that it would<br />

undermine viability and promote environmental<br />

degradation and hence accepted<br />

subdivision reluctantly.<br />

It was felt that subdivision of group ran' hes<br />

would result in ranch sizes too small to be<br />

ecologireily and economically viable. lnch sizes<br />

below 800 ha, the accepted minimum size of an<br />

individually-owned ranch in Kajiado, would not<br />

be ecologically viable and would lead to social,<br />

economic and environmental degradation. Sizes<br />

of individual holdings, once subdivided on equal<br />

basis ranged from 23 ha to 296 ha. However, if<br />

all th- group ranches subdiv-ced their total land<br />

on equal share basi, each me<strong>mb</strong>ei wculd on<br />

average receive approximately 100 ha; which is<br />

below subsistence requirement for a famil., of<br />

six.<br />

In addition, subdivision would ultimately<br />

lead to incre25Pd cultivation on the fragile<br />

marginal lands. Severe erosion evident in other<br />

196<br />

range districts like Machakos, Kitui, Baringo e1A<br />

would become common place in Kajiado.<br />

The Maasai were against subdivision for<br />

several reasons. Subdivision into smaller land<br />

units would encourage agricultural cropping and<br />

crop protection mechanisms like fences and<br />

trenches would restrict the usual livestock and<br />

wildlife movement. This would ultimately affect<br />

livestock production in terms of nu<strong>mb</strong>ers and<br />

individual animal weights. Subdivision would<br />

also cause the influx of non-Maasai land buyers<br />

from various parts of Kenya. The new residents<br />

would dilute and undermine Maasai culture<br />

which most Maasai leaders wanted to preserve.<br />

Important issues in subdivided rancbes<br />

Implementation of the group ranch subdivision<br />

process proved to be very slow and most groups<br />

failed to meet all the stipulations imposed by the<br />

government in<br />

1983. Only nine group ranches<br />

have carried out and completed the process of<br />

subdivision and issued registered me<strong>mb</strong>ers with<br />

their own title deeds. Most of these subdivided<br />

group ranches are near urban centres and have<br />

reasonable arable or irrigatable land.<br />

The surface area of nine subdivided group<br />

ranches covers 146,476 ha which is only 9.6% of<br />

the total group ranch area in the district. The<br />

subdivided ranches have a total me<strong>mb</strong>ership of<br />

1632 (11%)compared w;th the ttal me<strong>mb</strong>ership<br />

13 compared th h ale eship<br />

of 14,5i3. The subdivided area has a livestock<br />

population stock unit of of450,160.<br />

61,216 SU This compared constitutes with 13.6% a total .1"<br />

the livestock stock units. These figures imply<br />

that group ranch subdivision on the basis of the<br />

land area, the me<strong>mb</strong>ers and livestock involved<br />

or in terms of total land resources involved is<br />

very small and insignificant. It is also doubtful<br />

whethertherestofthegrouprancheswhichhave<br />

agreed to subdivide will ever meet the<br />

requiremente of carrying out subdivision.<br />

Closer examination of the different group<br />

ranch sizes in Kajiado indicate that of the 51<br />

ranches, 12 ranches N. I an area below 10,000 ha<br />

and 29 ranches had w, area of 10,000-50,000 ha.<br />

Eight ranches had an area of 50,000-100,000 ha<br />

while two had an area above 100,000 ha<br />

(Tabie 3).<br />

Table 3. Frequency of distibution of various<br />

ranch sizes (ha) for the 51 group<br />

ras ingada,1988).<br />

Sim _hpl_ No,ranches %<br />

< 10,000 12 24<br />

29 66<br />

8,0,r"0ItO0 16<br />

>163,000 2 4<br />

Tota 51 100

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