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aistand south~ern afrkca - (PDF, 101 mb) - USAID

aistand south~ern afrkca - (PDF, 101 mb) - USAID


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African does with Small East African bucks,<br />

probably to limit the negative traits of the<br />

crossbreds with a high level of Alpine blood,<br />

It is apparent that the project in Burundi has<br />

been isolated and has had little interaction with<br />

similar programmes in Kenya (SR-CRSP) and<br />

Rwanda (Kigali Est project). However, lately<br />

contacts with these two projects have developed,<br />

Constraints and difficulties<br />

Development projects based on external donor<br />

funds are often operated only for a limited time.<br />

This is the case of the Ngozi project, where GTZ<br />

is planning to withdraw and the Burundi<br />

Government plans to continue the project on a<br />

considerably reduced budget. The first casualty<br />

of the financial squeeze has been the breeding of<br />

crossbred goats, which was terminated in 1991.<br />

This will make it impossible to conduct a<br />

meaningful comparison of the performance of<br />

genotypes on the project farms and of farmers'<br />

flocks,<br />

Development pojects aim at making changes<br />

•r. the existing farming systems. As long as<br />

research respects this status quo, there will be<br />

no conflict of interests. However, problems arise<br />

when resea-chers want to formally test a change,<br />

such as a veterinary treatment or breeding<br />

programme. The development project is<br />

concerned that intervntions being tested by<br />

researchers may be cont, sed with development<br />

interventions, especially if the results are<br />

negative.<br />

The existing farming systems in the target<br />

area are integrated crop-livestock systems.<br />

References<br />

ILCA(International Livestock Centre for Africa). 1991.A<br />

handbook of African livestock statistics. LED<br />

Working Document 15. LED (Livestock Economics<br />

Division), ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.<br />

Jones W I and Egli R. 1984. Farmingsystems in Africa.<br />

World Bank Technical Paper 27. World Bank,<br />

Washington, DC, USA.<br />

Rey B and Jacob U. 1991. Farm structure and<br />

participation in the Ngozi goatcrossbreedingproject<br />

in Burundi. In: Proceedingsof the 9th SR-CRSP<br />

annualmeeting, Nairobi,Kenya, 8-9 March 1990.<br />

72<br />

However, the institutions promoting development,<br />

e.g. SRD, concentrate on coffee and<br />

forbid intercropping with forage crops. Similarly,<br />

ILCA's mandate requires its researchers to<br />

concentrate on animal production systems. For<br />

the future there is a need to have a whole-farm<br />

approach in order to integrate the various<br />

components.<br />

Evl-,ation of the research<br />

programme<br />

The research programme currently carried out<br />

in Burundi has one important objective: to work<br />

in collaboration with a development programme.<br />

This facilitates the setting up of research<br />

on-farm and defines the target group for<br />

technology diffusion. This institutional set-up<br />

permits the existence of an effective triangular<br />

relationship between research, development and<br />

farmers. Systems research in that context can be<br />

considered as a means to advise development<br />

efforts.<br />

Although lessons from a site-specific study<br />

might not be applicabe beyond the project, it is<br />

important to make the results available to those<br />

considering similar development projects<br />

elsewhere. GTZ, which funded the project in<br />

Ngozi, is considering starting a similar project i,<br />

Kenya. ILCA has a comnarative advantage in<br />

integrating results from various projects and<br />

disseminating the information. The value of the<br />

information can be enhanced if modelling and<br />

simulation are developed on the basis ofresearch<br />

in other comparable locations.<br />

Schmidt U. 1990. Evolution et risultats de neuf ann6es<br />

de projet germano-burundais dans le cadre de Is<br />

coopdration technique. Capricorne3(1).<br />

Schultze A and Ngendahimana S. 1986. Experience du<br />

projet caprins Ngozi au Burundi. In: Atelier de<br />

travail sur les petits ruminants de la CEPGL,<br />

Sdminairede Bukavu, 8-10janvier 1985.<br />

Wilson R T, Araya A and Dominique S. 1990. Rpertoire<br />

desprojetsderechercheetded6veloppementcaprins<br />

et ovins en Afrique. Draft. CIPEA (Centre international<br />

pour l'dlevage en Afrique), Addis-Abeba<br />


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