George Withers' Emblemes

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iA Ki n §, that prudently Q>m mands,<br />

Becomes the glory of his Lands.<br />

ILLVSTR. XVI. Book.z<br />

He Rcyall-Scepter, Kingly power, implyes<br />

The Crorvne-lmperiall, Gl o r i e , fignifies<br />

And, by ihefe joyn'd in one, we understand,<br />

A King, that is an honour to his Land.<br />

A Kingdome, is not alwaies eminent.<br />

By having Confines of a large extent j<br />

For, Povertie, and Barbarouf»ej[e,z.xc found<br />

Ev'n in fomc large Dominions, to abound :<br />

Nor, is it Wealth, which gets a glorious-Name •<br />

For, then, thofe Lands would fpread the widcft Fame,<br />

From whence we fetch the Goldand Silver-ore •<br />

And, where we gather Perries upon the more :<br />

Nor, have thofe Countries higheft exaltations,<br />

Which breed the ftrongeft, and the Warlikft Nations<br />

For, proud of their owne powrc, they fometimes grow,<br />

And qmrrell, till themselves they overthrow. .<br />

Nor, doe thechiefeiTg/w/w, of a Land,<br />

In many Cities, or much People, (land<br />

For, then, thofe Kingdomes, moft renowned were.<br />

In which Vnchrijlian Kings, and, Tyrantsarc.<br />

It is the Kingby whom a Realme's renowne,<br />

Is cither buildcd up, or overthrowne.<br />

By Solomon, more fam'd was ludah made,<br />

Then, by the Multitude of men it had ;<br />

Great Alexander, glorified Greece,<br />

Throughout the World, which, elic had bene apiece<br />

Perhaps obfeure h<br />

And, Cijar added more<br />

To Rome, then all her greatnefTe did before.<br />

Grant, Lord, thefe lies, for ever may be bleffed,<br />

With what, in thu oat Emblem * expreffed.<br />


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