George Withers' Emblemes

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Our 'Dayes^untiU our Life bath end,<br />

In Labours, and in Hopes,"^ jf<br />

end.<br />

ILLVSTR.XVI. Book. 5<br />

>S foone as our firft Parents difobey'd,<br />

Forthwith a Curfe, for their offence, was Iayd,<br />

Inforcing them, and their fucceeding race,<br />

To get their Food,with fweatings of the Face.<br />

Eut, afterward, this Doometo mitigate,<br />

(And eafe the miferies of their eftate)<br />

God gave them Hope, that (he might helpe them bearc<br />

The burthens or their Travailc, and their care.<br />

A Woman with an Anchor, and a Spade,<br />

An Emblem ofthat Myfiery fe made<br />

And, this Eftate, wee all continue in,<br />

By God's free Mcrcic, and oor proper Sinne.<br />

By Sinne, the Labour is ofi us intail'd ;<br />

By Grace, it is, that Hoping hath notfail'd j<br />

And, if in Hope,ow Labours wee attend,<br />

That Cttrfe will prove a Blefing, in the end.<br />

My Lot is Hope, and Labour • and, betwecne<br />

ThefeTiva, my Life-time hath prolonged beene:<br />

Yet, hitherto, thet)eft of all my Paine,<br />

With molt of all my Hopes have beene in vainc i<br />

And to the World-ward, I am like to waft<br />

My time in fruirlcfTe labours, till the laft.<br />

However, I have ftill my Hopes as faire '<br />

As hee, that haih no temptingsto Defpatre •<br />

And, change I will not, my laft homes for theirs,<br />

Whofe Fonune, more dcfirable appeares 5<br />

Nor ccafe to Hope and £

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