George Withers' Emblemes

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The Fir ft Lotterie.<br />

53<br />

You, have becne wronged, many waves,<br />

Yet, patient arc • and, that's your praife :<br />

Your Anions, alfo, feem'd upright ;<br />

Yet, fome there are, that,beare you fpite:<br />

Left, therefore, you difcourag'd grow,<br />

An Emblem, you have drawne, to {how<br />

What other Innocents have borne,<br />

And, howjthe worlds defpites,to fcorne.<br />

See., Emb. X.<br />

M u<br />

Do'ubtlefle, you are either wooing,<br />

O r, fome other Bus'neJJe, doing s<br />

Which, you (hall attempt, invaine,<br />

Or, much hazzard all your paine<br />

Ycr, ifgood, your meanings are,<br />

Doc* not honeft meanes forbeare ;<br />

For, where things are, well, begunne,<br />

God, ofr, workcs, when Man hath done.<br />

See, Emb. XI.<br />

j<br />

Ec not angry, if I tell<br />

Thar, you love the World, too well<br />

For, this Lot, perhaps, you drew,<br />

That, fuch Faults, you might efchew.<br />

Marke, to what their Soules afpire,<br />

Who, true Blejfednejfe, dcfire:<br />

For, if you can doe, like thofe,<br />

Heav'n you gaine, when Earth you lofe.<br />

See, Emb. X 1 1.<br />

You love the Rich . and, honour them j<br />

The necdy-pcrfon, you contemne :<br />

Yet, Wealthy nor want of Wealth, is thar,<br />

Which, wretched makes, or fortunate<br />

From other Caufes, thofe things flow<br />

;<br />

Which, fince, you either doe not know,<br />

Or, hecde not much, this Emblem came,<br />

Thar, you might learne to minde the fame.<br />

See 3<br />

Emb. XIII.<br />

M<br />

14.<br />

Thy Chance is doubtfull<br />

;<br />

and, as yet,<br />

I know not, what to fay of it<br />

But, this I know, a foe rhou art<br />

To what thine Emblem hath, in parr,<br />

Exprcflcd by a Mimickc Shaft<br />

•<br />

Or, thou, thy fclfc, ait fuch an Ape.<br />

Now, which of thefc, pcrraines to thee,<br />

Let them, that know thee, Iudgcs bee.<br />

See, Emb. X I V.<br />


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