George Withers' Emblemes

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I<br />

, Your<br />

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"The € fifth<br />

Throughout your Lands, more Vertues might convay,<br />

Than marry Volumes^ of thefe Emblems , mayj<br />

It feemed Petty -treafon, to omit<br />

This good occafion of endeavouring it.<br />

For, (if your M a i e s t i e s ,<br />

wcl 1 heeded, were)<br />

Yov, double-treble-foure-fbld Emblems'are 3<br />

Which, fully to illuftrate, would require<br />

The Wit I want j or, meanes to raife, that, higher<br />

"Which I have gain'dj (and, which, as yet,hath flowne<br />

By noincouragementSjbut by her owne.)<br />

Of all the Vertues Oiconomicu,<br />

Of Duties Moral and Poiitkali,<br />

Lives are Patterns, and faire Emjlems; whether<br />

Considered apart, or both together.<br />

Your Childhoods were bright Mirrours, which did {how<br />

What Duties, Children, to their Parents owe:<br />

And^ by the fequele, we now underftand,<br />

That, the}' who beft ebay'd, can beft command<br />

The glorious Vertues of your Nvptiall -Jlate,<br />

Your Courtiers, find fo hard to imitate,<br />

That) they admins them, rather 5 and, would /weare,<br />

(Had others told, what, now they lee and hrare)<br />

That , all the former Times, were not acquainted,<br />

With fich a Pare, when Kings and gucenes were Sainttd.<br />

The charted Cupids, and the gamefbm'ft Graces,<br />

Are alwaies mingled in your D eare-cv.hr aces.<br />

The rauiuall enrcrchanges of your ZovtS,<br />

May teach affection to the Turtle doves .-<br />

I<br />

And, fuch as are, with good! v fights, delighted,<br />

May (he inTou, all Excellent united.<br />

You, S 1 r, whofcearfc loves Thunders in your Fift,<br />

And, {(Inkc dais ilavds ' m ? t ° n whe 1 You !ift<br />

Did never in your Orb;, 1 TtTtrpffttnotC.<br />

But, by the Beautious M pr ,/<br />

1 f y >ar Love<br />

I: might be calm'd. And., * your loft) Spheare,<br />

CM oft lovely Qv e eni r**r Motions ever were<br />

So fmoath, and, fo diretf ; that m u ca<br />

They have withdraivne bis Rota '-bej>i<br />

From /tf/?Defignes 5 Which, loudly<br />

^wPraife,<br />

^;^-/, intimates much m.irc , »*/>.»», ycr, .1

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