George Withers' Emblemes

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The }Ainde/houIdbaye afixed Eye<br />

On Objettsjbat areplac don High. 43<br />

ILLVSTR. XLIII. Book. i.<br />

>a\M Heart > which bore the figure ofan Eye<br />

*» Wide open to the Sume^ by fome,was us'd,<br />

When in an Emblem,they would fignifie<br />

A Minde, which on Celeftiall Matters mus'd :<br />

Implying, by the fame, that there is nought<br />

Which in this lower Orbt, our Eyes can fee,<br />

Soiit an Objedt for a manly thought,<br />

Asthofethings, which in Hcav'n above us be.<br />

God, gave Mankinde (above all other Ci caturcs)<br />

A lovely forme, and upward-looking Eye,<br />

(Among the red of his peculiar Features)<br />

Thar he might lift his Countenance on high :<br />

And (having view'd the Beauty, which appcarcs<br />

Within the outward Sights circumference)<br />

* That he might elevate above the Spha?t es,<br />

The piercing Eye,of his Intelligence,<br />

Then, higher, and fill higher (hive to raifc<br />

His Contemplations Eyes, till they afcend<br />

To gaine aglimpfe of thofe eternall Rayes,<br />

To which all undepraved Spiritstend.<br />

For, 'tis the proper nature of the Minde<br />

( Till flefhly Thoughts corrupt if) to defpifc<br />

Thofe Luis whereto rhe Body ftands inclin'd •,<br />

And labo.ir alwayc s, upward to arife.<br />

Some, therefore, thought thofe Gob/ins which appearc<br />

To haunt old Graves and Tombes, are Soules of fuch,<br />

Who tothefe loathfomc places doomed were,<br />

Bccaufe, they doted on the Pbfh too much.<br />

But, (lire we are, well-minded Men fliall goe<br />

To live above, when others bide below.<br />

C %<br />


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