George Withers' Emblemes

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The belh good-turnes that Foolcs can doe ut,<br />

Trooipe difadvantages unto m.<br />


Toole , fent forth to fetch the GoJUngs home,<br />

When they unto a Rivers brinck werecome,<br />

( Through which their paiTage lay) conceiv'd a feare<br />

His Dames beft Brtod, might have been drowned therej<br />

Which, toavoyd, hee thus did (hew his wit,<br />

And his good n2ture, in preventing it.<br />

Hee,underneath his girdle, thtufls their heads,<br />

And, then the Coxcombc through the water wades.<br />

Here Iearne,that when a Foole his helpe intends,<br />

It rather doth a mifchiefe,then befriends<br />

And,thinke,if there be danger in his love,<br />

How harmef ull his Malicioufnejfe may prove :<br />

For, from his kindtnejje, though no profittifc<br />

To doc thee fpighr, his Malice may fuffife.<br />

I could nor from a Prince befeech a boonc<br />

By fuing to his Icfler or Buffoone<br />

Nor, any Fooles vainc humor, footh or ferve,<br />

To get my bread, though I were like to ftarve.<br />

For, to be pore, I mould not blum fo much,<br />

As ifa Foole fhould raife me to be rich.<br />

Lord, though of fuch a kindc my faults may be,<br />

Thar (harpc Ajjlittion ftill mull: tutor mee,<br />

(And give me due Correction in her Schoolcs)<br />

Yet, oh prefcrve me from the fcorne of Fooles.<br />

Thofe wicked Ftoles, that in their hearts have fed ,<br />

There is no God ;<br />

and, rather give me Bread<br />

By Ravens, Lo r D,or in a Lions Den,<br />

Then by the Favours of fuch foolifh men:<br />

Left, if their dunties I fh >uld fwallow downe,<br />

Their fmile might morcundoe, mc,thcn their fntme.<br />

H h Through<br />


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