George Withers' Emblemes

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^^<br />

When Vice 4»rfVertue Touth JbaQ-wooe,<br />

Tis kardtofajyVmch way 'twillgge^.<br />

Illvstr. XXII. Book. i.<br />

hopefull Friends at thrice fiveyeares and three,<br />

Without a Guide (into the World alone)<br />

To feeke ray Fortune, didadventure mee ;<br />

And, many hazards, I alighted on.<br />

Fit ft, Englands grearcft Rcndevenz, I fought,<br />

Where Vi c e and Ve rtve at the hig heft fit;<br />

And, thither, both a Minde and Bodie brought,<br />

For neither of their Services unfit.<br />

Both, woo'd my Touth : And, both perfvvaded fo,<br />

That (like the Young mm in our Emblem here)<br />

I flood.'and cry'd, Ah \ which way frail l<br />

goe ?<br />

To me fo pleating both their Offers were.<br />

Vi ce, Pleafuresbeft Comentmentspromift mee,<br />

And what the wanton Flefh defires to have :<br />

Quoth Vertve, ImtlWtJdomegive to thee,<br />

And theft brave things , which noblat Mtndes doc crave*<br />

Serve me faid Vice, and thoufraltjoone acqmre<br />

Allthofe Atchievements which my Service brine ,<br />

Serve me (aid VeRtve, and lie raife tbee higher,<br />

Then Vices can, and teach thee better things.<br />

Whil'rt thus they ftrove to gair.e me, I e fpyde<br />

Grim Death attending Vi c e . and, that her Face<br />

Was hu a painted F/^rd, which did hide<br />

The foul'if Deformity that ever was.<br />

Lo R d ,<br />

grant megrace for evermore to view<br />

Her Fglme(Je : And, that I viewing it,<br />

Her Falsehoods and'allurements may efchew<br />

.<br />

And onfdire Ve r t v e my Affeclior. fet*.<br />

Her Be if/ties contemplate, her Love embrace,<br />

And by htrfafe Direction, rmne my Race.<br />

•<br />


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