George Withers' Emblemes

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Makeufe of Time, that's comming on<br />

F6r>tbatupcrilVi>v>bicb u gone.<br />

iLLVsTa. XLIX.<br />

Book<br />

>^is Glaffe dechrcs,how Time doth pifle away •<br />

And,if rh: Word*, about it, rightly fay,<br />

Thy Twc that'sgoiHhjs-bft: and,proofe will fhew,<br />

1 hjt,many find both Words, and Emblem ,tiue.<br />

How Lft their Time departs, they beft perceive,<br />

From who-Ti it freaks, before they take their lea ><br />

e,<br />

Of what th: y love j and,whfe laft houre is gone,<br />

Before their chiefell: bufineiTes'are done.<br />

How faft it Hides, ev a they are alfo taught,<br />

(Too late, perhaps) who never kept in thought<br />

Their ending-day<br />

;<br />

but, alwayes did prefume,<br />

Or, largely hope upr -n rhe Time to come-,<br />

The prefent-bomes,nor thankfully enjoying,<br />

Nor,honeftly, n >r ufefully etti ploying.<br />

That,yeares expir'd, are ln(t\ they likewife find<br />

For,when their under ftin.iing brings ro mind,<br />

How fondly (or, how ill perchance* they fpenc<br />

Their paffed age • they fee, with difcontenr,<br />

The Time, not oncly left, brr, wo: fe than (o 3<br />

Lo(l,mxh a thoufand other L lies moe:<br />

And, that,when th> y<br />

Can purchafe them,onc minute f an h»iv. c.<br />

Confider this,all ye that fpend the prime,<br />

The»w«t tide,znd the tnUght of your Time,<br />

fhall need njvtalth no.fowr,<br />

Inchildtfhplay games, or meerc worldly things-<br />

Ac if y u could, at pleafue, clip Times wings,<br />

Or<br />

•<br />

rume his Glaffe or,had a Life,ox tvvainc<br />

To live, when you had fool'd out thk in vainc.<br />

Short y. the pre(e»t •<br />

loft Times paffed bee ;<br />

A-.id/ftmete- come, vtcc may notice to fee.<br />

M m<br />


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