George Withers' Emblemes

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H-<br />

Tbe birjl Lottery.<br />

Thy Vermes he may wrong, that fayes<br />

Thou fpend'ft thy felfe, in wanton wayes<br />

;<br />

Bu-, fome have thought, and !ayd of late,<br />

1 hat, thofe thou lov'ft, conhime ihy ftate<br />

Yer,fpare nor Time, nor Subftance, tho,<br />

Where, them, thou oughteft to beftow 5<br />

But ;<br />

to thine Emblem turne, and, fee<br />

When Life, and Wealth, well ventur'dbee.<br />

Ste,£mb. X V.<br />

16<br />

Though Troubles, you may have (or had;<br />

Enough, to make Dme others mad ;<br />

Yet, be content : I >r, they, that are<br />

As weake, have had as much to beare 5<br />

An Vhar, which Malice did contrive,<br />

To make them poore, hath made them thrive.<br />

That Emblem, which, by Lot y<br />

you drew,<br />

Piognofticates, as much, for you.<br />

See, Emb. X V E.<br />

Though, you fuffer blame and painc,<br />

You, at laft, may Comfort gaine,<br />

(Sharing Honours, truely gotten,<br />

When, your Foes are dead, and rotren)<br />

For, of this, you have a pawne,<br />

In the Lot, that you have dra wne ;<br />

And, by that, it may appeare,<br />

What your paines, and wages, are.<br />

Sie,£»*. XVII.<br />

18<br />

Take you ferious heed, I pray,<br />

Whither, you doe goc to day<br />

Whom you credite ; and, for whom<br />

You, ingaged, ma!l b- come<br />

And, unlefje you wifh for Sorrow,<br />

Be as provident, to mon ow :<br />

For, there are fome traps and Snares,<br />

Which, may take you unawares.<br />

See,£«*. XVIII.<br />

19<br />

Your Wit, fo much, you truft upon,<br />

That, weaker Meanes,hith yours out-gone<br />

Sometime, you runne, when there is need<br />

Of much more Warineffe, rhen Speed.<br />

Bur, you, to God ward, worfc have err'd<br />

And, yet, Amendment is defori'd.<br />

Sf e, therefore, what your Chance doth fay,<br />

And, take good Counjell, while you may.<br />

See, Emb. XIX.<br />


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