George Withers' Emblemes

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i<br />

:<br />

True Knowledge is a conftant Friend,<br />

Whofe FriendfJhip, never (ball have end. M-5<br />

ILLVSTR. XI. Book, i<br />

\Y viewing tbisfxt-Head, cnwrcath'd with Bayes,<br />

(And, what the Motto round about iffayes)<br />

Your Apprehenfion's eye, may partly fee<br />

What conflant Femes, in true Kmwledgebe.<br />

For, if right plac'd it be, it ever will<br />

Continue in the fame condition, ftill :<br />

And, though it make mens manners to bechang'd 5<br />

Yet,never is it,from it felfe,eftrang'd :<br />

Nor doth, nor can it, ceafe to be a Friend,<br />

What Fate foever, (hall on us attend.<br />

When Wealth is loft, or faileth to befteed us ;<br />

Slice findes out honeft mcancs to cloath and fecde us.<br />

In fane, and forraigne Lands, (hec will become,<br />

As kindc, and as familiar, as at home }<br />

And^trave/leth, without the coftly cumber,<br />

Of Carriages, or Clokebagges full of Lumber.<br />

No Place can from our prefence, her enclofe 5<br />

Nor is (he frighted from us by our Foes.<br />

No Pichbankes, of her Favours,can bereave us -<br />

No Promijes, can woo her to deceive us.<br />

la Touth, in Age, in Sickenejje, and in Grief e,<br />

Shee bringeth Confolation and reliefe<br />

And, is in all eftarcs, a blefling to us,<br />

So conftant (and fo apt, all helpes to doe us)<br />

That, he for whom, f uch Knowledge, God provideth,<br />

Enjoycs a Friend, that alwaies firmeabideth.<br />

Lord, I nmfricudieffe left j therefore, to me,<br />

This Knowledge, and this Friend^ vouchfafe to bee:<br />

For, thou that Wijdome art,(fromhcav'n defending)<br />

t<br />

Which, neither huh tt'.ginnin% t<br />

change, x\ox ending.<br />

X 2

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