George Withers' Emblemes

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ZI8<br />

True Vertue, Tvhatfoere betides.<br />

In all extreamcs^mmocrid abides.<br />

Illvstr. x.<br />

Book.<br />

fi Hen, in this Emblem, here, you have efpide,<br />

B The fhape of a triangled Pyramid,<br />

And, haveobferved well, thofe mightie Rockes,<br />

Whofe firme foundation bides the dreadfu'll fhockes<br />

Of angry Neptune ;<br />

you may thereby fee,<br />

How firmly fetled, Vermes reall bee.<br />

For,as the raging Seas, although they roare,<br />

Can make no breach upon the Rockie fhore 5<br />

And, as a true triangled Pyraotide,<br />

Stands faft,and fliewes alike,on ev'ry fide;<br />

So, howfoever -?#?»/«, turnes or winds,<br />

Thofe men, which are indow'd with vertuous minds,<br />

It is impoffible, to drive them from<br />

Thofe Formes,or Stations,which thofe minds become.<br />

And, as the raging Set, with foming threats,<br />

Againft the Rockie-Jhore, but vaincly beats;<br />

So, Envie (hall in vaine, loud bluftrings make,<br />

When vertuous refolutions they would fluke.<br />

For, Vertue, which receives an overthrow,<br />

Was Vertue, not indeed, but in xhejhm.<br />

So farre am I, oh Lord ! from laying claime<br />

To have this Vertue, that, I doe but ayme<br />

At fuch perfeclitn ;<br />

and, can come no nigher<br />

As yet, than to obtaine it<br />

in defire.<br />

But, fixe thou fo,this weake defire of mine,<br />

Vpon the Venues of thy Roc Ice divine,<br />

That I, and that invaluable Stone<br />

May bee incorporated into One<br />

And, then, it will bee neither flume, nor pride,<br />

To fay,my Vertues, will unmev'd abide.<br />


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