George Withers' Emblemes

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Vncertaine* Fortunes Faixmrs^betL*<br />

vAnd9 4stheMoonc t<br />

focba*getb Shcc.<br />

Illvstr. XL. s-k..<br />

|Vr /4**for,peradventtre,givethus<br />

1 Dame Fortune (iot thefe Reafons) piclur'd, thus;<br />

I iAf hath a C«w/j £#^, to declare,<br />

How pleafing fhec doth ufajlly appearc<br />

To them, that love her Favours. She is blinde,<br />

(Or, hath (rill clofed eyes) to put in minde,<br />

How blindly, and how heedlefly, (hcthrowes<br />

Her Largefle, where her Bounty, (he beftowes.<br />

She /lands upon a Ball ; that, wee may Iearne,<br />

Of outward things, the tottering, to dtfecrne:<br />

Her Ball hath rrings ; that it may fignifie<br />

How apt her Favours are, away to//*.<br />

A S karfe difpUycd ly the wind, (he beares, ]<br />

(And, oh her naked Body, nothing weares)<br />

To (hew, that what her Favorite injoyes,<br />

Is not fo much for Ffefulneffe, as ttyes.<br />

Her Head it bairelefle, all, except before j<br />

To teach thee, that thy care lhould be the more<br />

To hold herformop kindncjje, alwayes fait 5<br />

Left, Hie doe mow thee flipp'ry tricks, at laft.<br />

And laflly, that her changing may be fhowne<br />

She beareth in her Hand a Wayned- mount.<br />

By this Defcription, you may now defcry<br />

Her t rue conditions, full as well as I :<br />

And, if you.ftill, fuppofe her, worth fuch honour,<br />

Ycu have my leave to iw#,and irajtupoa her.<br />

Moreover (to her credit)! confefTe,<br />

'I his Moth falfly faith, her Ftckleneffe<br />

Is Itke the Moones : For, (he hath frown'd on mee<br />

Twelve Moones, at leaft •<br />

and, yet, no Change I fee.<br />


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