George Withers' Emblemes

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J feare, about tnee*aU my ftorc^<br />

*And*yet-> a King enjoyes not mors.<br />

[His Emblem is a Torteife, whofe ownc (hell<br />

Becomes that houfe,vthetc he doth rent-free dwellj<br />

And, in what place foever hce refides,<br />

His Arched- Lodging, on his backe abides.<br />

There is, moreover, found a kind of thefe,<br />

That live both on the fhore, and in the Seas;<br />

For which refpects,the7>f«/« reprefents<br />

That man, who in himfelfe, hath full contents j<br />

And (by the Vertues lodging in his mindej<br />

Can all things ncedfull, in all places, finde.<br />

To fuch a Man, what ever doth betide<br />

From him, his Treasures, nothing can divide.<br />

If of his eutward-meanes ^Thceves make aprife }<br />

Hee, more occafion hath to exercifc<br />

His inward. Riches: and, they prove a Wealth,<br />

More ufcfull, and lefle lyable to ftealth. '<br />

If, any at his harmelefle perfon ftrike;<br />

Himfelfe heeftreight contra/

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