George Withers' Emblemes

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::<br />

He that delights to Plane and Set,<br />

Makes After-Ages in bis Debt.<br />


(Hen I behold the Havockc and the Spoyle,<br />

'<br />

Which (ev'a within the compare of my Dayes)<br />

Is made through every quarter of this lie,<br />

In Woods and Groves (which were this Kingdomes praife)<br />

And, when I minde with how much greedinefie,<br />

We feeke the prefent Gaine, in every thing •<br />

Not caring (fo our Lufi we may poifefTe)<br />

What Dammageto Pofierity we bring:<br />

They doe, me-thinkes, as if they did forefee,<br />

That, fome ofthofe, whom they have caufcto hate,<br />

Should come in Future-times, their Hf ires to be:<br />

Or clfe, why mould they fuch things perpetrate i<br />

For, if they thinke theit Children (hall fuccccd;<br />

Or, can believe, that they begot their Heires ;<br />

They could not, furely, doefo foule a Deed,<br />

As to deface the Land, that mould be theirs.<br />

What our Forefathers planted, we deftroy<br />

Nay, all Mens labours, living heretofore,<br />

And all ourownc, we lavifhly imploy<br />

Tofcrve our prefent Luffs ;<br />

and, for no more.<br />

But, let thefe carclefle Wafers learnc to know.<br />

That, as "ame- Spoyle is open Injury ;<br />

So, Planting is a £>«£/, they truely owe,<br />

And ought to pay to theh Po(ferity.<br />

Selfe love, for none, bur for it felfc, doth care j<br />

And, oncly, for the prefent, takcth paine<br />

?>\x\., Chanty for others doth prepare-,<br />

And, joyes in that, which Fv.ture-7.7n: .lull ^aine.<br />

If, After- Agts may my Labours blcfTc ;<br />

I care not, w^, how Lulel pofleiTe.<br />

F 2<br />


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