George Withers' Emblemes

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SheeJhall increafe in glory,/&'#,<br />

VmiU her ligrft, the vorld, dothfin.<br />

Ill<br />

ILLVSTE Book. 2<br />

[Hat in this EmbUm^hzx. mans meanings were,<br />

'<br />

Who made it firft, I neither know nor care 5<br />

For, whatfoerc, he purpofed, or thought,<br />

To ferve mypurpoft, now it (hall be taught 5<br />

Who, many times,before this Taskc is ended,<br />

Muft picke ont Mora/Is, where was none intended.<br />

This knot oiMoonts ("or Crefitnts) crowned thus,<br />

Illuftrate may a Myftery to hs,<br />

Of pious ufe(and, peradventure, fuch,<br />

As from old Hieroglyphicks,er:es not much)<br />

Old-Vmes, upon the Moone, three names beftow'd<br />

Beaufc, three diverfe wayes, her felfe fhc ihow'd :<br />

And, in xhefacred-bookes, it may be fliowne,<br />

That boly -Churchy was figur'd by the Moonc.<br />

Then, thefe three Meonts in one, may intimate<br />

The holy-Churches threefold bleft eftate.<br />

The Moone, ft ill, biding in our Hemitfbare,<br />

May typifie the Church, confifting, here,<br />

Of men, yet living : when (Tie fhewes her light<br />

Amon^ us here, in portions of tbe night ;<br />

The Church it figures, as confift (he may<br />

Of them, whofe bodies in the Grave doe ftay •<br />

And,whofcb!e(t#w'tt, are afcended thither,<br />

Where Souk and Body meet, at laft, together.<br />

Bur, when the Moonc is hidden from our eyes,<br />

The Church-triumphant, then, fhe fignifies<br />

Which, is a Crefcent yet, that, fome, and fome,<br />

Muft grow, till all her parts together come<br />

And , then, this Meow (hall beames, at full, difplay ;<br />

Lord, haften tins great Coronation-day.<br />

True<br />


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