George Withers' Emblemes

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The Fourth Lotte-t>_<br />

5°<br />

With good applaufe thou haff beguifle,<br />

And, well, as yet, proce.-dcl on i<br />

But,e'retSe Lavreff/iou canft weare,<br />

Thou EO rh. E \i 'n:j \ tterfevtre.<br />

And, leflrthi drie.be fo go-,<br />

Thou haft a Caveat, by this Let.<br />

See, Emb. h.<br />

51<br />

Although, this rime,you drew it not,<br />

Good Fur. me. for you , may be got.<br />

Perhaps the f!*nets ruling now,<br />

Have cart no good AfpeBs on you.<br />

For,m:iny fay, that,now and then,<br />

The Storm looke angetly on men :<br />

Then,try your Chance againe, anon 5<br />

For, their difpleafure foone is gone.<br />

J*<br />

If, by your Lot you had b^ene praiYd<br />

Your mindc,perchance,ir w uld have rais'd,<br />

Above the meane. Should you receive<br />

Some chcck,thereby , It would bereave<br />

Your Patience: For,but frwcaa beare,<br />

Seproofes , which unexpected are.<br />

But, now prepared you have beene,<br />

To draw your Lot once more begin ;<br />

And, if anothc- flkw&youger,<br />

Attempt your ebance,ao more, as yet.<br />

To crofTe your hopes, Misfortune fought ;<br />

An J, by your£«f,a BUnck hath brought :<br />

Bu% he who knew her ill intent,<br />

Hath m ide this BUnke her fpight prevent 5<br />

For, if that Number you mall take,<br />

Which thefe two fibres ,backwjrd,make,<br />

And view the place to which they guide j<br />

An EmbUm$ot you,th:y provide.<br />

54<br />

Thefe Lots arealmoft TentoOne<br />

Abovcthc B ankes^ yer,' hou haft none.<br />

If thus thy Fortune (fill proceed,<br />

Tis7W»ta One it well thou fp?ed.<br />

Yet, if th;>u doe not much ncglec},<br />

To doe, as Wtfdom: fliall dircft,<br />

Ir is a T boufand unto ten<br />

But all thy Hopes will profpcr,thcn.

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