George Withers' Emblemes

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Thefecond Lottery, 121<br />

'<br />

As if, where Values prefent are,<br />

Her favours alwaves need Idle were<br />

But, fometimes there's enough to doe,<br />

For Fortuntyznd for Fertile t jo,<br />

The pow'f of envious tongues to charrae,<br />

And,keepean Inmcent from harme.<br />

Thcrfore, make both oftfofe, thy friends ;<br />

For,thereunto thine Emblem tends.<br />

See, Emb.X XXIX.<br />

40<br />

Thou mayft be one of thofe, perchance,<br />

Who Schifme, and Hcrefus advance,<br />

Bccauferhty Times and 77m«miftake 5<br />

And, difrence know not how to make<br />

'Twixt that, which temp' rail doth appeare.<br />

And, thofe things which f/aW/are.<br />

Thou, by thy Lot, art therefore warn'd,<br />

To fearch what mould of thefe be learn'd.<br />

See, Emb, X L,<br />

4 1<br />

Great workes to doe, thou haft a minde i<br />

But,^>:vV thereto thou canfl: not finde.<br />

Sometime, thy fow'r is not unfit j<br />

But, then thou failed: in thy wet.<br />

Such Vndertakings, therefore, chufe<br />

(If thou wilt not thy time abufe)<br />

As to thy pew'rs, and wits agree j<br />

And, let them both imployed bee.<br />

See,Emb. X L L<br />

4*<br />

When any Btefimg thou hafl gain'd,<br />

Thou mind'ft not whence ir was obtain'd 5<br />

But, bear'ft thy felfe, as if the fame<br />

By thine owne fow'r, or merit, came<br />

That, therefore, thou mayjl better heed<br />

From whence, all Graces doe proceed,<br />

Thou, haft an Emblem, by this Let,<br />

From which, goodC**rttwmaybegot.<br />

Scc 3<br />

Emb. XLII,<br />

45<br />

By this thy Lot, it fhould appeare,<br />

The Mufes thy acquaintance are j<br />

Or, that thou art (at leaft) of thofe,<br />

Who, of their Steed ambitious growes.<br />

Pr thou haft wit, his Keynes to guide,<br />

::<br />

Vpon his backe, mount up and. ride ;<br />

But, if thou finde thy felfe to weake,<br />

Forbcare him, lclt thy neckc he bi cake.<br />

Scc,Emb. XLI1L<br />

44<br />

In many things, the worfe thou art,<br />

By thy defpayring, fainting heart ;<br />

S 2<br />


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