George Withers' Emblemes

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:<br />

Yet, by this Lojfe, I have Occasions had<br />

To feele, why other men are often Tad.<br />

And, I, (\yho bluflied, to be troublesome<br />

To any Friend) therby, almoft am come<br />

To fuch a pafle ; that, what I wifh to have,<br />

I fhould grow impudent enough to Crave,<br />

Had not impartiall Death, and Wailing Tune,<br />

Of all my Friends quite wornc away the Prime;<br />

And, left mee none, to whom I dare prefent<br />

The meaneft fuite without encouragement .•<br />

Although, the greaxeft Boone, I would implore,<br />

Should coft them, but a Word, or little more.<br />

Yet, fome there are, no doubt, for whofe refpeft<br />

I might endeavour, with no vaine effe&j<br />

Had I but caufe, to have as high efteemc,<br />

Of mine owne Merits, as I have of them.<br />

And, if your Honour fhould befo inclin'd,<br />

As I defire; I, now am fure to finde<br />

Another Pemhrooke, by whofe aydefuftain'd,<br />

I may preferve, what by the Laft I gain'd.<br />

To make adventure, how it will fucceed,<br />

I now am come. And lo, my Lor D , infteed<br />

Of better Advocates, I firft begin,<br />

Mine Em eiem s, by thefe Lines, to Vfher in;<br />

That, they; by their admittance may effect<br />

For Mee, and for themselves, your kinde refpect.<br />

That, which in them, beft Worthy you fball find,<br />

Is this ; that, they are Symptomcs of a Mtndt,<br />

Affecting honeftie: and ofa Heart,<br />

So truly honouring a true defert,<br />

That, I am hopefull made, they will acquire<br />

As much refpeft as I can welkdefire<br />

And, Sir, your Candor, your knowne Court ejics.<br />

With other praifcf ull Venues, make mee rife<br />

To this Beliefe ; that, Yo v by fav'ring mcc<br />

Hereafter, may as highly honour'd be,<br />

As by fome former Bounties ; and encreafe<br />

My Future Merit, by your Worthineffe.<br />

However, what I am or mall be knowne<br />

To Bee, by Tour D e[ervings^ or mine owne,<br />

You may command it ; and, be fure to finde<br />

(Though falfe my Fortunes prove) a Faithfull Mind.<br />

Thai, unfaintdly* profeffeth<br />

Tour Honours<br />

trueft Honourtr,<br />

Geo: Wither.

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