George Withers' Emblemes

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Wbemvee by Hunger,Wifdome gaint*<br />

Our Guts, are "toifer then our Braine.<br />

ILLVSTR. I I. Book.z<br />

He Crowe, when deepe within a clofe-mouth'd-JW.<br />

She water finds, her thirftinefle to flake ;<br />

(And, knoweth not where elfe it might be got)<br />

Her Belly, teacheth her, this courfe to take :<br />

She flies, and fetcheth many Ptbbles thither,<br />

Then, downe into the Feffell, lets them drop<br />

Vntill, fo many (tones are brought together,<br />

As may advance the water to the top.<br />

From whence, we might this observation heed 5<br />

That, Hunger, Tbirfi, and thofe ttecefities,<br />

(Which from the Bellies craving, doe proceed)<br />

May make a Toole, grow provident and wife.<br />

And,though(in fport) we fay , the brums of feme.<br />

Not in their Heads,but in their Gutts, doe lye<br />

Yer,that,by wants, Men wifer mould become,<br />

Diflenteth not from true Phihfophy :<br />

For, no man labours with much WiU'mgnefle,<br />

To compafle, what he nought at all defires ;<br />

Nor feeketh fo,his longing to poflcfle,<br />

As, when fome urgent neede,the fame requires.<br />

Nay,though he might, a wiSingtieJfe ,retaine,<br />

Yet, as the Belly, which is ever full,<br />

Breeds fumes, that caufe a fottifh.frtiles-brain* .<br />

So, plenteous Fortunes, make the Spirits dull.<br />

Airborne to Riches, have not all-times, witt<br />

To keepe, (much lefle,to better) their degree:<br />

But, men to nothiog borne, oft, paflage get,<br />

(Through many wants) renown'd, and rich ro bee<br />

Yea, Povcrtic and Hunger, did produce,<br />

The bc(iInvenUons,and }<br />

of chiefeft ufe.<br />


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