George Withers' Emblemes

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224-<br />

Her faipours) Fortune, oft imparts.<br />

To thofc that are of no dejerts.<br />

IllvstrTXVT.<br />

B«k.+<br />

Ould you not laugh, and thinke itbeaftly fine,<br />

;<br />

To fee a duttie , and ill- favour'd Smne,<br />

Weare on her fnour, a Diamond, or a Pearle,<br />

That might become the Ladie of an EarU?<br />

And hold it head, as if it meant to fliow<br />

It were the Pigg of fome well-mutur'd s«f» ?<br />

Perhaps, you thinke there be not any where<br />

Such Antickes, but in this our Emblem here.<br />

But, if you take thefe charmes, and then gee forth<br />

Among fome troupes-, which pafTc for folkcs of worth,<br />

You fliall difcover,quickIy, if you pleafe,<br />

A thoufand fights, as mimicall as thefe.<br />

Here, you fhall fee a noble Title worne,<br />

(That had not mif befcem'd one better borne)<br />

By him, whofe venues arc of little price,<br />

And, whofe eftate, was gotten by his Vice.<br />

You (hall behold another Mujhrome, there,<br />

Walke with our Lords, as if hee were their Peere,<br />

That was well knowne, to be but tother day,<br />

No fit companion for fuch men as they;<br />

And, had no other meanesto climbe this height,<br />

But Gaming, or to play the Parafite.<br />

Yet (though he neither hath his 7W(?,Qor Lands,<br />

Nor any honefr In-etme, by his bands)<br />

Hec,oft confumes at once, in Games or Cheat e,<br />

More than would kcepe his Better all the yeare.<br />

Yea, many fuch as thefe, thou fnouldft behold,<br />

Which would bee vext, if I defcribe them fhould :<br />

For, thus , unworthily, blind Fortune flings,<br />

To Crowes, and Geefe, and Swine, her precious things.<br />


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