George Withers' Emblemes

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I<br />

:<br />

In all thine Anions , bxt>t a caret<br />

That no unlccmlincfleappearc.'<br />


[He Virgin, or the Wife, that much defires,<br />

To pleafe her Lovers, or her Husband's Eyes,<br />

In all hcrcouTeft Robes, her felfe attiresj<br />

And, feckes the coml'eft Drep,{hcc can devife.<br />

Then, to her truftic Looking-glafje, fliee goes,<br />

(Where, often, fliee her perfon turnes and winds,)<br />

To view,how feemely her attiring fk>wes 5<br />

Or, whether ought amifle therein flic finds.<br />

Which praifefull Diligence, is figur'd thus<br />

In this our Emblem^ that, it may be made<br />

A documcnrall figne,reraembring us,<br />

What care of all our Actions, mult bee had.<br />

For, hee thar in God's prefencc would appeare<br />

An acceptable Souk . or, gracious grow<br />

With men, that of approv'd conditions are,<br />

Muft by fome faithfull Glaffe, be trimmed fo,<br />

The good Examples of thofc pious men,<br />

Who liv'd in elder times, may much availe :<br />

Yea, and by others evills, now and then,<br />

Men fee how groffcly, they themfelves,doe faile.<br />

A wife Companion, and,a loving Friend,<br />

Stands nearer, than thofc ancient glafles doc ;<br />

And, fcrveth well to fuch an ufcfull end<br />

For, hce may bee thy GUjJe , and Fount/line too.<br />

His gojd Example, fliewes thee what is fit 3<br />

His Admonition, checks what is awryj<br />

Hce, by his Good-advtfe, reformeth it j<br />

And,byhisZ,rw,thoumend'ft itpleafedly.<br />

But, if thou doc defire the perfc&'ft Glaffe,<br />

Ioync to the Morrall-Lav,the Law oj Grace.<br />

L<br />


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