George Withers' Emblemes

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Where many-Forces jojnedare,<br />

Vnconcjuerable-pow'r, it there *79<br />

^N Emblem's meaning, here, I thoughtto conftcr<br />

And, this doth rather fafhion out a Monfter,<br />

Then forme an Hieroglyphicke : but, I had<br />

Thefe Figures (as you fee them) ready made<br />

Bv others 5 and, I meane to morallize<br />

fheir Fancies<br />

;<br />

not to mend what they devife.<br />

Yet, peradventure, with fome vulgar praife,<br />

This Ficlurt (though I like it not) difplayes<br />

The Morally which the Motto doth imply ;<br />

And, thus, it may be fayd to fignific.<br />

He, that hath many Facuities,ot Friends,<br />

Tokeepe him fafe (or to acquire his ends)<br />

And, fits them fo ; and, keepes them fo together,<br />

That, frill, as readily, thcyayd each other,<br />

As if fo many Hands, they had been made j<br />

And, in Oncbody, ufefull being had :<br />

That man, by their Affiftance, may, at length,<br />

Attaine to an unconqwable-jlrengtb 3<br />

And, crowne his honeft Hopes, with whatfoever<br />

He feekes for, by a warranted Endeavour.<br />

Or, elfc, it might be fayd ;<br />

that,when we may<br />

Make our Affections, and, our Senfe, obay<br />

The will of Reafon, (and, fo well agree,<br />

Thar, we may fin.de them, (till, at peace to be)<br />

Thcy'l guard us, like fo many Armed hands j<br />

And, fafcly keepeus, whatfoere withftands.<br />

If others thinke this Figure, here, inferres<br />

A better fenfe let 5<br />

thofc Interpreters<br />

Vnriddlc it ; and, preach it where they pleafc:<br />

Their Meanings may be good, and fo arc thefe.<br />


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