George Withers' Emblemes

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Letbim, that at Govs Altarftands i<br />

In Jnnocenci'e, wajh his Hands. 41<br />

Illvstr. XLI. Book. i.<br />

IMS-Hen (Redder) thou haft firft of all furva'yd<br />

l^ffiM That Reverend Priejl, which here ingraven ftands,<br />

^^ In all his Holly Vestments array'd,<br />

Endeavouring for Purifyed- Hands •<br />

Collect from hence, that, when thou doP^ appeare<br />

To offer Sacrifice ofPrajfe or Prayer,<br />

Thou oughrft the Robes of Righhoufr'.fjc, to weare,,<br />

And, by Repentance, thy defects repairc.<br />

For, thou, thar, with polluted Hands prefum'ft<br />

Before Gods Altar to prcfent thy Face •<br />

Or, in the Rags of thine owne Merits com'ft,<br />

Shalt reape DifJ/leaftirc, where thou look'ft for Grace.<br />

Then, ifthou be of thofe that would afpire<br />

A Priejl, or Prelate, in Gods Church to be ;<br />

Befure,thou-firft thofe Ornaments acquire,<br />

Which, may be Turing to that High-Degree.<br />

Intrude not, as perhaps too many doe,<br />

With Gifts unfit, or by an Evill mtane:<br />

Dcfire it with a right Intention too 5<br />

And,feeketokeepc thy Conversation clcane.<br />

Tor, they that havcafTum'd this Holy -Calling,<br />

Wirh Hands impure, and Hearts unfanrtify'd.<br />

Defame the Truth • give others caufe of Falling,<br />

And, fcandaKze their Brethren, too, befide :<br />

Yea, to themfclvcs, their very Sacrifice<br />

Becomes unhallow'd<br />

;<br />

and, their Thanhs and Prayers,<br />

The GodofPuriiy, doth fo defpife,<br />

That, all their Hopes, he turneth to Deff aires i<br />

And, all their b ft Endeavours, countermands,<br />

Till they appcavc with unpolluted Hands.<br />

G ^"

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