George Withers' Emblemes

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c Ihe 1'hird Lotteries.<br />

2J<br />

If wee miftake not, thou art one,<br />

Who loves to court the BiJi*g-Sunne- 3<br />

And,ifthis Lot, thy nature findc,<br />

Tho'dtofreferment haft a minde<br />

If fo *r lcirne hence, by whofe refpeft<br />

(NexTGod) thou rhayft thy hopes effe&<br />

Then, feeke to winn bis grace to thee,<br />

Of whate&ttelbe'ie thou bee.<br />

See, Emb. XXV.<br />

Thou to a double -path art comej<br />

And, peradventure, troublefome,<br />

Thou findeft ir,for thee to know,<br />

On whether hand thou oughtft to goc.<br />

To put thee out of allfufpeft,<br />

Of Courts that are indirect<br />

Thy Morall points thee to a path,<br />

Which hardjhi^bwt^ no per ill hath.<br />

See,£w*.XXVI.<br />

27<br />

You warned are of taking heede,<br />

That, nevel, you your Bounds exceed 5<br />

And, alio, that you be not found,<br />

To come within your Neighbours Bound.<br />

There may be fomc concealed Caufe,<br />

That, none but you, this Emblem drawes.<br />

Examine it: And, If you fee<br />

A fault, Jet it amended be.<br />

Sc?,JEw*.XXVil.<br />

28<br />

Your Emblems morall doth declare,<br />

When, Levers fitly matched are j<br />

And, what the diiefcft caufe may be,<br />

Why, Friendj and Levers difagree.<br />

Perhaps, you fomewhat thcnce,may Icarnc,<br />

Which your K^affecTion doth concerne.<br />

But, if it Counfe/I you too late,<br />

Then, preach it at your Neighbours gate.<br />

See, ir«£.X XVIII.<br />

M 29.<br />

Some, vrge their Princes on to Warre,<br />

And weary of fweet Peace, they are.<br />

Some, feeke to make them, dote on Peace,.<br />

(Till publikc Danger more encreafe)<br />

As if the World were kept in awe,<br />

By nothing cHc.but preaching Lav.<br />

Thy Morall (if of thofc thou art)<br />

Doth aft a Moderatm part.<br />

See, Emb.XXIX.<br />


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