George Withers' Emblemes

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When each man keepes unto his Trade,<br />

Theth aU things better Ijeill be made.<br />

ILLVSTR.XIV. Book. 3<br />

>E more mould thrive, and erre the fcldomer,<br />

If we were like this honeft Carpenter,<br />

Whofe Emblem, in reproofe ofthofe, is made,<br />

That love to meddle, farther then their Trade.<br />

But, moft are now exceeding cunning growne<br />

In ev'ry mans aflfaircs, except their owne :<br />

Yea, Cobkrs thinkc themfelves not onely able,<br />

To cenfure ; but,to mend Afetet Table.<br />

Gr«/-ji/«,fometime, will gravely undertake<br />

To teach, how Broomes and Atorter, we fhould make.<br />

Their Indifcretions, Peafants imitate,<br />

And boldly meddle with affaires of State.<br />

Some Hettfmves teach their Teachers how to pray<br />

Some C larks, have fhew'd themfelves, as wife as they;<br />

And in their Callings, as difcreet have bin,<br />

As if they taught their Grandames how to fpime<br />

And, ir"thefeC«/?«»M,laft a few more Ages,<br />

All Countries will be nothing els, but Stages<br />

Of evill-acled, and miftaken parts j<br />

Or, Galtemaufries, ofimperfect Kjirts.<br />

But, I my felfe (you'l fay ) have medlings made,<br />

In things, that are improper to my Trade.<br />

No ; for, the M VS E S are in all things free ;<br />

Fit fubjeft of their Ferfe, all Creatures be 5<br />

And, there is nothing nam'd fo raeane, or great,<br />

Whereofthey have not Liberty to treat.<br />

Both Earth and Hfav'», are open unto thefe j<br />

And (when to take more libertic they pleale)<br />

They Worlds, and fl/jig^create, which never were j<br />

And, when they lift, they flay, and meddle, there.

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