George Withers' Emblemes

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and,<br />

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The more contrary Windes doe blow,<br />

The greater Vermes praife w'ff^row. 97<br />

Illvstr. XXXV. Book.<br />

:<br />

;3fervcthc nature of that Fiery-flame^<br />

Which on the Mountains top ib brightly fhowes j<br />

The Windes from every quarter, blow the fame,<br />

Yea, and to blow it out, their/*>7 blowes 5<br />

But, lo j the more they ftrme, the more hjhimth - 3<br />

At every Blaft, the Flame afcendeth higher $<br />

And, till the Fuells want, that rage confineth,<br />

Ir, will be, {till, a great, and glorious Fire,<br />

Thus fares the man, whom Vertue, Beacon-like,<br />

Hath fixe upon the Hills of Eminence,<br />

At him, the Tempefts of mad £»f/*ftrike,<br />

And, rage againft his Piles of Innocence ;<br />

Bur, ft ill, the more they wrong him, and the more<br />

They feeke to keepe his worth from being knowne,<br />

They, daily, make it greater, then before<br />

And, caufe his Fame, the farther to beblowne.<br />

When, therefore, no felfe-doting Hrrogance,<br />

But, Vertucs, cover'd with a modeft vaile,<br />

Breake through obfcuriti, and, thee advance<br />

To place, where EnviefaW thy worth aflaile<br />

Difcourage not thy felfc : but, Hand the fhockes<br />

Of wrath, and fury. Let them fnarleand bite j<br />

Purfue thee, with Detratlion, Slanders, Mockes,<br />

And, all the venom'd Engines of Delight t<br />

Thou art above<br />

•<br />

their malice the blaze<br />

Of thy C defttail- fire, (lull thine fo cleare,<br />

That, their befotted (oules, thou fhalt amaze ;<br />

And, make thy Splendours, to their fhamc, appeare.<br />

If this be all, that Envies rage can doe,<br />

Lord, give me Virtues, though I fufcrteo.<br />

P j Evert

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