George Withers' Emblemes

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^((£§|Ome friends,and foes, ofthine, there be,<br />

|»>|jyj| That make a wondring-ftecke ofthee j<br />

*^ — * Some other over-much, of late,<br />

To thy diflionour boldly prate,<br />

And, peradventure, to thy face,<br />

E'rc lone, they'l doc thee fome di/grace<br />

Thine Emblem, therefore, doth advifc<br />

That thou (hould'ft make them no replies j<br />

And ihowcs that filent-fatience, than<br />

Shall ftead ihee more then Anfvers can.<br />

i<br />

See, Emblem. I.<br />

By fuch as know you, it is thought,<br />

That, you are better fedthcmaught<br />

And, that, it might augment youriwf,<br />

If you were fometimes hmgtr-bit.<br />

That Emblem, which by Lot you drew,<br />

To this efbd doth fomewhat mew :<br />

But 'twill goc hard, when you are fainc,<br />

To feed your Bowells,by your Braine,<br />

3<br />

See, Emb. 1 1.<br />

Perhaps you may be one of thofe,<br />

W!uim,from the Churchy Org-wblowesj<br />

Or, perad venture, one of them,<br />

Who doth all melody contemner<br />

Or, one, whofe life is yet untaught,<br />

How into tune it mould be brought.<br />

If Co, your lot, to you hath fent<br />

An Emblem, not impertinent.<br />

Sce.Emb. III.<br />

4<br />

God blefTe thee, whofoere thou art,<br />

And, give thee ftill an honclf. heart :<br />

Foe, by the fortune of thy Lot,<br />

That Sword, and HAlter, thou haft got,<br />

Winch threatens. dedth,\v\th much difgracc i<br />

Or, promifes the Hang- mans's place.<br />

R 2<br />


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