George Withers' Emblemes

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'<br />

The motion of the World , thU dq?><br />

Is moVd the quite contrarie way.<br />

ILLVSTR. XI.<br />

Book.4<br />

.Hat was this Figures meaning, but to fhow,<br />

'<br />

That, as thefe kinde of Shell-ffh backward goe,<br />

So now the World, (which here doth fecme to take<br />

An arfeward Ioumey on the Cancer's backej<br />

Moves counterwife ; as if delight it had,<br />

To runnea race, in Courfes retrograde:<br />

And, tha r ,i* very likrly to be ttue,<br />

Which, this our Emblem , purpofcth to (hew.<br />

For, I have now v<br />

of kte, not onely feene,<br />

What backward rnotions,in my Friends have beenej<br />

And, tliat my outward Fortunes and Affaires,<br />

Doe of themiclves,come tumbling downe theftairtt:<br />

But, I have alfo found, that other things,<br />

Have got a wheeling in contxaiy Rings •<br />

Which Rtgrejje, holding on , 'tis like that wee,<br />

To liwesy or Eihnich, backe ("hall turned bee.<br />

Some punie Clerkes, pi diimc that they can teach<br />

The ancient holy Dollars, how to preach.<br />

Some L.tich , lcarne their Pastors how to pray.<br />

Some Parents, are compelled to obay<br />

Their Sonnes •<br />

and, fo the ir Dignit ic to lofe.<br />

As to be fed and cIoth'd,at their difpofe.<br />

Nay, wee have fome, who haveafTay'd to draw,<br />

All backward, to the Bondage of the Law ;<br />

Ev'n to thofe abrogated Rites and Dayes,<br />

By which, the wmdring lew markes out his wayes.<br />

And, to purfue this Round, they are (o heady,<br />

That, they have made themfelves,and others giddy.<br />

D«e thou, theft fro*jrd Motions, Lord, reftraine^<br />

And,jet the World in her due courfc again/.<br />

Gg 2<br />


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