George Withers' Emblemes

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As* to EWorld /naked earnest<br />

So> naked-ftript I leave thefame^.<br />


Book.i,<br />

|Hrice happy is that Man whole Thoughts doc reare<br />

k<br />

His Minde above that pitch the Worldling &ks s<br />

And by his Contemplations, hovers where<br />

He vicwes things mortall, with unbleared eyes.<br />

What Trifles then doe Villages andTowoes<br />

Large Fields or Fltckes of fruitfull CatteU fceme i<br />

Nay, what poorc things are Miters, Scepters, Crownes,<br />

And all thofe Glories which Men mod efteeme i<br />

Though he that hath among them, his Delight,<br />

Brave things imagines them (becaufc they blinde<br />

Withfomefalfe Luftrehis beguiled fight)<br />

He that's above them, their meane-Worth may finde.<br />

Lord, to that Blejfed-Station me convey<br />

Where I may view the World, and view her fo,<br />

That I her true Condition may furvey<br />

And all her Imperfe&ions rightly know.<br />

Remember me, that once there was a Day<br />

When thou didft weane me from them with content,<br />

Ev'n when fhut up within thofe Gates I lay<br />

Through which the Flague-infitcling Angel wenr.<br />

And, let me ftill remember, that an Hourc<br />

Is hourely comming on, wherein I fhall<br />

(Though I had all the World within my powre)<br />

Be naked ftripr, and turned out of all.<br />

But minde me, chiefcly,that I never cleave<br />

Too clofely to my Selfe j and caufe thou me,<br />

Not other Earthly things alone to leave,<br />

But to forfake my Selfe for love of Thee:<br />

That I may fay, now 1 have all things left,<br />

Before that I ofall things, am bereft.<br />


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