George Withers' Emblemes

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i 78<br />

They, beft in]oy their Be:rts defires*<br />

In "»hom, Love, kindles mutuall-fires.<br />

iLLVSTR. XLIV.<br />

r Jat may the reafon be, that, when Defire<br />

Hath kindled in the breft, a Loving-fire,<br />

The Flame,which burn'd awhile,bothcleere& ftrong,<br />

Becomes to be exdnguifhed, ere long i<br />

This Emblem gives the reafon ; for, itfhowes,<br />

Thar, when Affettion, to perfection growes,<br />

The Fire, which doth inlighten, firft, the fame,<br />

Is made an equall^ndzmutuall-fiame,<br />

Thefe burning Torches, are alike in length .<br />

To mew, Love equall, both in time, andjkength.<br />

They, to each otherward, their Flames extend,<br />

To teach us,thar, True-lovers have no end<br />

Perrayning to Sel/e-love and, lo, betweene<br />

Theie Two, one Flaming Lcart, is to be feene j<br />

To fignifie, that, they, but one, remainc<br />

In Mtnde ; though,in their Perfons,they are txvam.<br />

He, doubt lefle, then, who Lov'd, and, giveth over,<br />

Defcrveth not the Title of a Lover •<br />

Or, elfe, was unrequited in Affccftion,<br />

And, was a Lever, with fome impcrfe&ion^<br />

For, Love, that loves,and is not lov'd as much,<br />

May perfect grow ; but, yet, it is not fuch,<br />

Nor can be, till it may that ohjeclhzve,<br />

Which gives a Heart, for what it would receive<br />

And, lookes not fo much outward, as to heed<br />

What fecmes n>ithin,xo want, or to exceed.<br />

Whether our Emblem's Author, thought of this,<br />

You need not care ;<br />

nor,willitbeamiiTe,<br />

Ifthey who perfccSt Lovers, would be thought,<br />

Doe mind, what by this Morall, they are taught.<br />


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