George Withers' Emblemes

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6o<br />

The Fir(I Lottcne.<br />

45<br />

When thou haft Changes, good, or bad,<br />

Ore- joy 'd, thou art, or over- fad j<br />

As if it Teemed very ftrange<br />

To fee the Windt or Weather, charge<br />

Lo, therefore, to remember thee,<br />

How changeable, things Mortall, bee,<br />

Thou, art affifted by this Lot ;<br />

Now, let it be, no more, forgot.<br />

See, Emb. XLV.<br />

46<br />

Of thy juft Aymes, though meanes be flight,<br />

Thou mayft attaine their wifhed height 5<br />

Vnlefle, thy Folly Hiall deftroy<br />

The Weale, thou feekeft to injoy,<br />

By thy Defpaire, or by negleci<br />

Of that, which, may thy Hopes effect :<br />

For, by thine Emblem, thou mayft know,<br />

Great things, from fmall Beginnings, grow.<br />

Scc.Emb. XL VI.<br />

47<br />

Thou •<br />

muft have Crtfies but they, (hall,<br />

To Blefitngs, be converted, all ^<br />

And Sujfrtngs, will become, thy Praife,<br />

If, Wtjedome order, well, thy wayes:<br />

Yea, when thy Crofjes en Jed are,<br />

A Crowne of Glory, thou fbalt weare.<br />

Yet, note, how this to pafle is brought :<br />

For, in thine Emblem, it is taught.<br />

See.Emb. XL VI I.<br />

48<br />

Ifthey, who drew this Let, now be<br />

Ofgrear Eft ate, or high Degree,<br />

They fh ill ere long,bccomcas poore,<br />

.As thofe, rhat beg from doore to doore.<br />

If p -ore they be 5 it plaineappeares,<br />

They mall become great Princes Peeres<br />

And, in their Emblem, rhey may know,<br />

What very day, it will be, fo.<br />

See, Emb. XL VI 1 1.<br />

'<br />

49<br />

You, have attempted many a thing,<br />

Which, you, re paffe, could never bring $<br />

Not, that, your V\ orkc was hard to doe ,<br />

?>ut,'cau(c,you us'd wrong Mf«««,thereto.<br />

Hereafter, therefore, lrainc, 1 pray.<br />

The Times ot Wot king, and, the Way •<br />

And, of thine Emblem, take thou heed,<br />

If, better, thou defire to Ip^ed.<br />

See,Emh. XL IX.<br />


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