George Withers' Emblemes

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The Hearts of Kings are in God's Hands<br />

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And, as Be lifts. He Them commands.<br />

SHy doe men grudge at thofe, who ray fed be,<br />

By royall Favour, from a low degree?<br />

Know this $ Heefhould be honour'i> whtm the King,<br />

To place of Dignity, jhaffpleafe to bring.<br />

Why fhould they blame their Kings, for fav'ring fuch,<br />

Whom,they have thought, fcarce meriting fo much i<br />

Godrutcs their Hearts ;<br />

and, they,tbemfclves deceive,<br />

Who dreame, that Kings exalt, without Gods leave.<br />

Why murnu re they at God, for guiding fo<br />

The Hearts of Kings, as oft they fee him doe i<br />

Or, athis Workes, why fhould they takeoffence,<br />

As if their Wit, could teach his Providence ?<br />

Hisjuft, and his all- feeing Wifedome knowes,<br />

Both whom, and why he crownts, or over throwes<br />

And, for what caufe,f/6c Heart' of Princes, bee<br />

Inlarg'd, or fhut ;<br />

when we no caufe can fee ;<br />

Wc fometime know, whai's well, and what's *mffe~<br />

Eur, of thofe Truths, rhe root concealed is<br />

And, Falfe- hoods, and Uncertainties, there^re,<br />

In moft of thofe things, which we (peake, or heart.<br />

Then, were not Kings directed by God's hand,<br />

They, who are beft, and wifeft in the Land,<br />

Miyht oft mifguide them, either by receiving<br />

A Falje report , or, by fome wrong, believing.<br />

God's Grate it is, that Good-men rays'd have bin<br />

If Sinners flourifh, wc may thankc our Sin.<br />

Both Good arid Bad, fo like in out-fides be,<br />

•"<br />

That, Kings may be deceiv'd,in what they fee<br />

And, if God had not rul'd their Hearts aright,<br />

The M'orld,by this time, had been ruin'd quite.<br />


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