George Withers' Emblemes

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ZIO<br />

The Earth isCjod'sicmdin bis Bands<br />

jixe all the Corners of the Lands,<br />

Illvstr. II. s**. 4<br />

|Ong fince, the facred Hebrew Lyrick fayd t<br />

'<br />

(A Truth, which never juftly was denayd)<br />

That^Sthe mrldit God's 5 and that his binds<br />

Endofe the limits of the fartheft Lands,<br />

The felfe fame Truth affirmes, that likewife,there,<br />

By him, their dedds } zr\d jurrowes watred are,<br />

And, that with dewes zndjhomes, he doth fo blefle<br />

The dwellings of the barren Wilderneft,<br />

That,thofc Inhabitants (whom fomeconceiv'd,<br />

Of ufefuU, and all pleafant things bereav'd)<br />

Their labors, with advantage, doe employ,<br />

And, fetch their yearcly Harvefis home,with joy.<br />

Why then ihould wee, that in God's Vineyard live,<br />

Diftruft that all things necdfull hee will give t<br />

Why fhotjld his Garden doubt of what it needs,<br />

Since hee oft waters barren Rocks and Wads ?<br />

Why fhould his Children , live in flavifh fearc,<br />

Since hee is kind to thofe that ftrangers are i<br />

Or, whither from his prefence, can we flie,<br />

To whom the furtheft hiding-place is nigh.<br />

And, if I may, from lower objeds clime,<br />

(To queftioning, in matters more fublimc)<br />

Why fhould I thinke, the Stule fhall not bee fed.<br />

Where God affoords,to Flejl>,hcv daily Bread?<br />

Or, dreame,that hee,forfome, provided none,<br />

Becaufe, on us, much Mercie is beftowne i<br />

'Tistrue enough, that /M/dcvoureth all,<br />

Who fhall be found without the Churches pale ;<br />

But, how farre that extends, no Eye can fee,<br />

Since, in Gods hands, Earth's fartheft Ctrners tee.<br />


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