George Withers' Emblemes

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Thofe Fields, whichyet appeare not fo,<br />

When Harvcft comes-, will yellow grow*<br />

ILLVSTR. XLIV. Book, i -<br />

[Hen, in the fweet and plcafant Month of May,<br />

We fee both Leaves and Bloflbmes on the Tree,<br />

And view the Meadows in their bell array,<br />

We hopefull are a Ioyfull-Spring to fee ,.<br />

Yet, oft, before the following Uigbtht pafr,<br />

Itchanceth, thztzfafor, or a Frofl,<br />

Doth all thofe forward bloomings wholly wafte ;<br />

And, then, their SweetneJJe and their Beauties loft.<br />

Such, is the ftate of ev'ry rnortall Wight :<br />

In Totitb, our Glories, and our Lufts we fhew j<br />

We fill our felves with ev'ry vaine Delight,<br />

And, will moft thinke on that which may infue.<br />

But, let us learne to heed, as well as know,<br />

That, Spring doth pafle ; that, Summer fleales away 5<br />

And, that the Flotv'r which makes the faireft fhow,<br />

E're many Weckcs, mutt wither and decay.<br />

And, from this Emblem, let each Lab'rntg.Smine<br />

(In whatfoever courfc oflife it be)<br />

Take heart, and hope, amidft his daily painc,<br />

That, of his Travailes, he good fruits mall fee.<br />

ThePlow'd and Harrow'd Field, which, tothineeye,<br />

Seemes like to be the Grave, in which the Seeds<br />

Shall (without hope of rifing) buryed lye,<br />

Becomes the fruit full Wombt, where Plenty breeds.<br />

There7 will be Corns, where nought but Mire appearcs j<br />

The Durty Seed,\vi\\ forme a grceniHi blade<br />

;<br />

The Blade,xvi\\ rife to Stemmes with fruitful! Fares ;<br />

Thofe Eares, will ripen, and he yellow made:<br />

So, if in honcit Hopes, thou perfevere,<br />

A Ioy full Harvefi will at laft appease.<br />


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