George Withers' Emblemes

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When woe is<br />

inourfefoes begun,<br />

Tbeth "thitherfrom i t> can ftee run ?<br />

»Oorc Hart, why doft thou tun fo faft i and why,<br />

Behind thee doft thou looke, when thou doft fly?<br />

,<br />

As if thou fcem'dft in thy fwift flight, to heare<br />

' *^ Thofe dangers following thee, w^ thou doft fcarc i<br />

Alas ! thou labout'ft,and thou runn'ft in vaine,<br />

To fliunne, byflight, thy terrors, ox thyfaine- y<br />

For, Ioe, thy Death, which thou haft dreaded fo,<br />

Clings faft unto thee, wherefoere thou goe<br />

And while thou toyl'ft,an outward eafe to win,<br />

Thou draw'ft thine owne dejlruttion further in i<br />

Making that Arrow, which but prickes thy hide,<br />

To pierce thy tender entrailes, through thy fide.<br />

And, well I may this wounded Hart bemoane;<br />

For, here, me thinkes, I'm taught to looke upon<br />

Mine owne condition ;<br />

and, in him, to fee<br />

Thofe deadly wounds, my Sinnes have made in rr.ee.<br />

I greatly feare the World, may unawares<br />

Intangle mee, by her alluring fnares<br />

I am afraid, the Devill may injed<br />

Some poy f'nous fume,my Spirit to infeel,<br />

With ghoftly Pefiiltncc 5<br />

and, I aiTay,<br />

To flie from thefe, with all the pow'rs I may.<br />

But, oh my Flefli ! this very Flejh I weare,<br />

Is worfe to mee , than Worlds, and Devils are<br />

For, without this, nopow'ron mee, they had.<br />

This is that Shirt, which made Abides mad.<br />

It is a griefe, which I fhall never cure,<br />

Nor flie from,whilft my life-time doth endure<br />

From thence, oh Lord, my greateft (errowes bee s<br />

And, therefore, from my Se7fe, ] flie to Thee,<br />


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