George Withers' Emblemes

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The Firfl Loiterie.<br />

Take heed, you doe not quite forget,<br />

That you are daunting in a Net<br />

More, then a few, your Courfe doe fee,<br />

Though, you, fuppofe, unfeene tobc.<br />

Your Fault, we will no nearer touch j<br />

Me-thinkes your Emblem blabs too much :<br />

But, if, you minde, what is amifle,<br />

You, fliall be nere the worfe, for this.<br />

See,Emb. X X.<br />

21<br />

Let fuch, as draw this Lot, have care,<br />

Vox Death, and Sorrow, to prepare<br />

AluimeSjtocome, left one ofthefe,<br />

Their perfons, unexpected, feizc :<br />

lor, them, or fome of theirs,to flay,<br />

Pule Death, diawes neerer, ev'ry day.<br />

Yer, ler them not, diftieartned, bee:<br />

For, in their Emblem, they fhall fce^<br />

Dcirb, may (though, in appearance, grim)<br />

Become, a Mefitng,\mto them.<br />

See, Emb. XX I.<br />

With Mary, thou art one ofthofe,<br />

By whom, the better part, is chofe }<br />

And, though, thou tempted art, aftray,<br />

Continu'ft in a lawful 1 way.<br />

Give G^the praife, with heart unfaign'd,<br />

That, he, fuch Grace to thee, hath dain d j<br />

And, view thy Lot, where thou malt fce^<br />

What Hag, hath layd a Trap, for thee.<br />

See, Emb. XXII.<br />

22<br />

Although, that, thou demure appeare,<br />

For Pleajure, there is no man here<br />

Will venture more : And, fome there arc,<br />

Who thinke you venture over farre :<br />

Hereof, confider well, therefore,<br />

Pre, fo, you venture, any more 5<br />

And, in your Lotted Emblem, fee,<br />

For what, your Sujfrings ought to bee.<br />

See, Emb. XX II I.<br />

If ought, thou purpofe, to aflay,<br />

Purfue the fame, without delay<br />

And, ifthou meane to gather fruit,<br />

Be conftantin thy Hopes purfuit :<br />

For, by thine Emblem, thou mayft finde,<br />

Thy Starres, to thee, arc wcll-inclin d j<br />

Provided, thy Attempts be good :<br />

For, that, is ever undcrftood.<br />

Sec, Emb. XXIV.<br />


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