George Withers' Emblemes

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66<br />

3iarU> "tohat Rewards, to Sinnc, are due,<br />

*And, to»*>uprightneiTe topurfue.<br />

ILLVSTR. 1 1 1 1. Book.z<br />

unfbeatbed,<br />

f^^S»trd and zfirangling-Snare,<br />

Is figur'd here ;<br />

which,in dumbe-Jhewes,doe preach,<br />

Ofwhat the tMalefatttr fhould beware 5<br />

And, they doe threatens, afwell as Teach.<br />

For, fome there are, (would God, that fumme werelefle)<br />

Whom, neither good Advife, nor, wholeforae Lawe,<br />

Can turne from Pathwaies of Vnrighteoufnefje,<br />

If Death, or Tortures, keepe them not in awe.<br />

Thefe, are not they, whofe Conjcicnce for the lake<br />

Of Goodmflc onely, GodlinejJ'e, purfues 5<br />

But, thefe are they, who never fcruple make<br />

What Guilt, bur, what great puaifl>me»t enfues.<br />

For fuch as thefe,this Emblem was prepar'd<br />

And, for their fakes, in places eminent,<br />

Are all our Gallops-trees, and Gibbets, rear'd .<br />

That, by the fight of them, they might repent.<br />

Let, therefore, thofe who feele their hearts inclin'd<br />

To any kind of Dcatb.defervwg-Crime,<br />

(When they behold this Emblem) change their mind,<br />

Left, they (too late) rcpcnt,anothcr time.<br />

And, let not thofe ourCounfell, now, contemne,<br />

Who, doome^wrr T beeves to death $<br />

yet, guilty be<br />

Of more, then molt of thofe whom they Condcmne<br />

Bur, let them Learne their pet ill to forelee.<br />

For, though a little while, they may have hope<br />

To fceme upright, (when they are nothing lefle)<br />

And, fcape the Sword, the Gal/owes, nnd the Rcpe,<br />

There is a ludge, who fees their wickedneffe j.<br />

And, when grim Death,\ha\l fummon them,from hence,<br />

They will be fully plagu'd for their offence.<br />


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