George Withers' Emblemes

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iLLVSTR. XLV.<br />

Beak, z<br />

thou fhak vifit, in the Moneth of May,<br />

A coftly Garden, in her beft atray (Bowers,<br />

And>view the well-grown Trees, the wel-trimm'd<br />

The Beds of Herbs, the knots of pleafant flowers,<br />

With all the deckings, and the fine devices,<br />

Perteyning to thofe earthly Paradifes,<br />

Thoucanft not well fuppofe, one day, or two,<br />

Did finifh all, which had beene, there, to doe.<br />

Nor doft thou,when young Plants, or new-fowne Lands,<br />

Doe tbirft for needfull Watrings, from thy hands,<br />

By Flood-gates, let whole Ponds amongft them come - 3<br />

But, them befprinkleft, rather, fome and fome<br />

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eft, elfc, thou marre the Ftomes, or chill the Seed,<br />

Or drowne the Saplings, which did moyfture need.<br />

Let this experiment, which, to thy thought,<br />

May by this Emblem, now perhaps, be brought,<br />

Perfwade thec to confidcr, that, no actions,<br />

Can come, but by degrees, to their perfections<br />

And, reach thee, to allot, for every thing,<br />

That Icifarely -proceeding, which may bring<br />

The ripenelfe,and the fulncfle,thou cxpe&cft :<br />

And, though thy Hopes, but flowly thou cffecleft,<br />

Difcourage not thy fclfc •, fince, ofc they prove<br />

Moft prolpcrous actions, which at leifure move.<br />

By many drops, is made a mighty jhovore 5<br />

And many minutei finifh up an boure<br />

By little, and by little, we poflefle<br />

Afiiiranceof the grcatcft Happinefe.<br />

And, oft, by too much hifle, and, too much cofl,<br />

G reat Wealth, g- cat Honours, and, great Hopes, are left.<br />


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