George Withers' Emblemes

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n8<br />

The Second Lotteries.<br />

A Princes ranfome, wee raaybeare,<br />

In lewdls, which molt precicu? are s<br />

And, yet, ro many men may fceme,<br />

To carry nothing worth efteeme.<br />

Therefore, though fmall thy fubfonce be,<br />

Thine Emblem, fomewhat comforrsthce.<br />

See, Emb. XXIV.<br />

By this your Emblem^ weedifcerne,<br />

Thar, you are yet of age to learnc ;<br />

And, that, when elder you fhall grow,<br />

There, will be more for you to kntw ••<br />

Prefume not, therefore of your wit,<br />

But, drive that you may better it.<br />

For, of your age, we many view,<br />

That, farre more wifedeme have, then you.<br />

See,£«£. XXV.<br />

26<br />

By thy complaints, it hath appear'd,<br />

Thouthink'ft thy Femes want reward<br />

And,that, if they their merit had,<br />

Thou rich, and nobler fhould'ft be made.<br />

To drive thee from that partiall though^<br />

Thou, by an Emblem, (halt be taught,<br />

That, where true Verm may be found<br />

Thetrueft wealth will ftill abound.<br />

See, Emb, XX VI.<br />

27<br />

By this thy Let, thou doft appeare<br />

To be of thofe, who love to heare<br />

The Preacher's voyce 5 or,elfe of them,<br />

That undervalue, orcontemne<br />

Thofe dayly (fowres of wholfome wtrds,<br />

Which God, in thefe our times, affords.<br />

Now, which foere of thefe thou bee,<br />

Thine Emblem^ fomething, teaches thee.<br />

See, Emb. XX VII.<br />

28 %<br />

Thou deal'ft, when theethy^ offends,<br />

As if, you never mould befriends.<br />

In peace, thou fo fecurc doft grow,<br />

As if, thou could'ft not have a foe.<br />

How, therefore, Peace and Wane purfues<br />

Each other, this thine Emblem fhewes,<br />

Thar, thou mayft learne, in ev'ry tide,<br />

For future chances, to provide.<br />

SeejfwJ.XXVIII.<br />

29<br />

What e're thou art in outward fhew,<br />

Thy Heart is ever very true,<br />


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