George Withers' Emblemes

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Live, ever mindful! of thy dying;<br />

For, Time it afoayesfrom ibec flying.<br />

:<br />

W<br />

[His vulgar Figure of a winged glaffe,<br />

Doth fignifie, how fwiftly Time doth pafle.<br />

By that leane 5«#,which to this boure-glajje clings,<br />

We are informed what effe£ it bringsj<br />

And, by the Words about it, wee are taught<br />

To kecpe our latter ending (ltd itt thought.<br />

The common boure-glafje, of the Life of UM*n y<br />

Exceedeth not the largenefTe of a ftan.<br />

The Sand-ViVc Minutes, flyc away fo faft,<br />

That,jjMr« are ont,e're wcethinke months axe paft :<br />

Yea,many times, our nat'raliday is gone,<br />

Before wee look'd for twelve a electee At Ntwe-<br />

And,\vhere wee fought for Feautie,at the Full,<br />

Wee fiudc the Flejh quire rotted from the Skull.<br />

Let thefe Expreflionsof Times pafiage, bee<br />

Remembrancers for ever, Lord, to mee ;<br />

That, I may (till bee guikleffe of their crime,<br />

Who fruhlefly confume their precious Time:<br />

And, minde my Death • not with a flaviih feare,<br />

But, with a thankfull ufe, of lije-time, here<br />

gncving, that my dajes away doc pott;<br />

N 't<br />

J:ur,cati!ig rather, that they bee not loft,<br />

And, lab'ring with Difcretion, how I may<br />

Redeeme the Time, that's vaincly dipt away.<br />

So, when that moment comes, which others dread,<br />

I, un Jifmay'd, (lull climbc my dying bed;<br />

With joyfull Hopes, my FUfi toduft commendj<br />

In Spirit, with a ftedf.ift Faith afcend ;<br />

And, whilft I living am , to (wne fo dye,<br />

That dying, I may live eternally.<br />

Ii 2 In

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