George Withers' Emblemes

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u/4 Sivc, of(belter maketbJboTP •<br />

But ey'ryStorm^mRlhrougb ttgoe.<br />

Illvstr. XX. B' : -.l.<br />

[Ome Men, when for their A&ions they procure<br />

A likely colour, (be it nere fo vaine)<br />

Pioceede as if their Projects were as fure,<br />

As when Sound Rufin did their Courfe maintayne<br />

And rhefe not ranch unlike thofe Children are,<br />

Who through zStorme advent'ring defp'rately,<br />

Had rathei on their Heads, a Sivno bea-e,<br />

Then Cov'rings, that may ferveto keepe them dryc.<br />

For, at a diftance thar perchance is thought<br />

A helplill Shelter 5 and, yet, proves to thofe<br />

Who ncede the fame, a Toy, which profits nought;<br />

Becaufc, each drop ot Raine quite through it, goes.<br />

So, they, whofe foolifh Projects, for a while,<br />

Doe promife their PrejecJors hopefull ends,<br />

S^all finde them, in the Try all, to beguile<br />

And, that both Shame and Want, on them attends*<br />

Such like is their eftate, who, (to appeare<br />

Rich men to others) doe, with Inward -pay ne,<br />

A gladfome out-ward Pert defire tobeare $<br />

Though they at laft nor Wealth nor Credit gaine.<br />

A^d, fuchare all thofe Hypocrites, who ftrive<br />

Falfc Hearts beneath Faire(poke» Words to hydc<br />

For, they o'-evaile themfelves but with a Srve y<br />

Through which, their purpofes at length are fpyde.<br />

And, rhen, they either woefully-lament<br />

Their Br uttifh -folly , or fo hardned grow<br />

1 1<br />

Sinking, th at they never can repent,<br />

Nav, jeft and kotfe at their owne Overthrow.<br />

Bu: nofalfc Fade can ferve (when God will finite<br />

To fave a Scomer, or an Hyftcnte.<br />

D a:h

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