George Withers' Emblemes

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That's Friendfliip, and tmc-lovcjndeed*<br />

Which fir me abides* in time ofneed.<br />

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ILLVSTR. XXIX. Book. 4<br />

Hat's Love in earnefi, which is conftant found,<br />

When Friends arc in Affltftion, or in Bands .<br />

And, their Ajfefiion merits to be crwn'd,<br />

Whofe hearts are faftaed where they joyne their<br />

Tis eafie to be friendly,where wee fee<br />

(bands.<br />

A Complement or two will ferve the turne$<br />

Or, where the kindnejje may required bee j<br />

Or, when the charge is with a trifle borne.<br />

It is as eafie too, for him to fpend<br />

At once, the full Revenues of a yeare,<br />

In Cates, for entertainment of his Friend,<br />

Who thinkes his glorie, is expenfive-cbeere :<br />

For, 'tis his plcafurc ;<br />

and, if none fhould come<br />

Like fafhwablc- Friends, for him to court,<br />

Hee would with Rogues, and Canters, fill the Roomc,<br />

Or, fuch as fhould abufe,and flout him for't.<br />

But,hard it is, to fuffcr, or to fpend<br />

For him (though worthy) that's of meane eftate,<br />

Unlikely our o'ecafions to befriend,<br />

Or, one unable to remunerate.<br />

Few men are liberall, whom neither Luff,<br />

Vaineglorie, Prtdigalttie, nor Pride,<br />

Doth forward into foolifh Bountie thruft<br />

As may , by Obfcrvation bee efpide.<br />

For, when a (lender Bountie would relieve<br />

Their virtuous Friend, whofe wants to them are knowne,<br />

To their Bufutne, a Knights eftate they'l give,<br />

And,thinkeon t'other trifles ill-bcftowne.<br />

Yet, this He fay ; and, give the DevtS his due ;<br />

Thcfc Friends, are to their lu(is t and humours, true,<br />


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