George Withers' Emblemes

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Though Fortune prone true Vermes Foe,<br />

It cannot worke her OverthroTPe^.<br />

ILLVSTR. VI. Book. I.<br />

[Nhappy men are they,whofe Ignorance<br />

So (hvesthem to the Fortunes of the Time,<br />

That they (attending on the Lot oichante) \<br />

Neglect by Virtue, and Deferts, to clime. ^<br />

Poore Heights they be which Fortune rcarcs unto<br />

And, fickle is the Favour {he beftowes<br />

To-day, (he makes 5<br />

to-morrow, doth undoc ȳ<br />

Buildsup, and in an inftant overthrowes.<br />

Oneafie Wbeelts, to Wealth,and Honours high,<br />

She windes men oft 5<br />

before they be aware j<br />

And, when they dreame of raoft Projperitie,<br />

Downe, headlong, throwes them lower thca they were.<br />

You, then, that feeke a moreaflur'd eftate,<br />

On good, and honeft Objecls, fixe your Minde,<br />

And follow Venue, that you may a Fate<br />

Exempt from feareof Change, or Dangers,£ndc.<br />

For, he that's Virtuous, whether high or low<br />

His Fortune feemes (or whether foule or faire<br />

His Path he findcs)or whether friend, or foe,<br />

The Werld doth prove ; regards it not a haire.<br />

His Lofle is Gaine<br />

;<br />

his Poverty is Wealth $<br />

The Worlds Contempt, he makes his Diadem j<br />

In SickneJJe, he rej oyceth, as in Health<br />

Yea, Death it felf e, becommeth Lifc^ to him.<br />

He fcaresno difrefpect, no bitter fcorne,<br />

Nor fubtile plottings, nor Opprcflions force<br />

Nay, though the World fliould topfie-turvie turne,<br />

It cannot fright hirr, nor divert his Courfe.<br />

Above all Earthly powreshis Virtue reares him 5<br />

And, up with Eglets wings, to Heav'n itbeareshim.

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