George Withers' Emblemes

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The Moone, which is decreafing now,<br />

Whenfhee rcturncs,^// fuller, grow.<br />

I llvs^rTX L VTl I.<br />

Never, yet, did murmuriogly complaine,<br />

Although thofc Meones have long been in the Woi/u,<br />

Which on their Silver Shields, my Elders wore,<br />

In Battels, and in Triumphs, heretofore.<br />

Nor any mention have I ever made,<br />

Of fuch Eclipfesyzs thofe Crefcents had<br />

Thereby, to move fome Comet, to reflect<br />

His fading, light, ot daignehis good.afpeft.<br />

For, vv hen I tell the World, how ill I fare,<br />

I<br />

tell her too, how little I doe care,<br />

For her dights : yea, and I tell it not,<br />

That, hetpe, or pitie, might from her be gor 5<br />

But, rather, that her Favourites may fee,<br />

I know my Warnings, yet, can pleafed bee.<br />

My Light, is from the Planet of the Sume-<br />

And, though the courfe, which I obliquely runne,<br />

Oft brings my outward Fcrtunts to ihcWaiite,<br />

My Light fhall, one day, bee renew'd againe.<br />

Yea, though to fome, I quite may feeme to lofc<br />

My Light j becaufc, ray follies interpofe<br />

Their (liadowes to eclipfe it: yet, I know,<br />

My Crefcents ,\vill increafe, 2nd fuller, grow.<br />

AiToonc as in the Flejh, I beeing had,<br />

I mooved on in Cour/is retrograde,<br />

And, thereby loft my Splendor .-<br />

but, I feclc<br />

Soft motion?, from thar great EttrnaflWheele,<br />

Which mooveth all things, fweetly mooving mee,<br />

To gainc the Place, in which I ought to bee:<br />

And, when to Him, I backe returtte, from whom<br />

At firft I came, I fliall at Full become.<br />

Bee \

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