George Withers' Emblemes

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Though he endeavour all he can,<br />

jin Ape, Tt>iB never be a Man.<br />


S»k,i,<br />

Hat though an Api(h-Pigmie, in attire,<br />

His Dwarfifh Body Gyant-like, array ?<br />

TutneBrdve,znd get himSfc/tttofeem the higher?<br />

What would fo doing, handfome him I pray t<br />

Now, furely, fuch a Mimicke fight as that,<br />

Would with exceffive Laughter move yourSpIeene,<br />

Till you had made the little Dandiprat,<br />

To lye within fomc Auger-hole, unfeene.<br />

I mull confefle I cannot chufc but fmile,<br />

When I perceive, how Men that worthlcffe are,<br />

Piece out their Imperfections, to beguile,<br />

By making fhowes, of what they never were.<br />

For,in their hncw'd Shapes, I know thofe Men,<br />

And (through their Maskes) fuch infight of them have 3<br />

That I can oftentimes difclofe(ev'n then)<br />

How much they favour of the Feole or Knave.<br />

A Pigmey-ftirit, and an Earthly- Minde,<br />

Whofe looke is onely fTxt on Objects vaine ;<br />

In my eftecme, fo roeane a place doth finde,<br />

That ev'ry fuch a one, I much refraine.<br />

But, when in honoured Robes I fee it put,<br />

Bctrimm'd, as if fome thing of Worth it were,<br />

Looke big, and on the Suits ofGreatneffe, (tru't 5<br />

From [corning it, I cannot then foibeare.<br />

For, when to groiYeFrworthineJJc, M^nadde<br />

Tho/cDues, which to theTrucJI- worth pertaine 5<br />

Tis like an Ape, in Humartt-Vcfitncitschd,<br />

Which, when mod fine, deferveth moftdifdaine :<br />

And, moicabfurd, thofeMcnappearetomc,<br />

Then this Fantajlicke-Monkey feemes to thee.<br />


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