BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


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In B-10 instead, EMG "Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland",<br />

9605 kHz Wertachtal 1600-1630 UT.<br />

5980 Hamburger Lokalradio via Kall-Krekel transmitter. Very special<br />

program on Republic Holiday Oct 3rd, 0600-1200 UT.<br />

Das Hamburger Lokalradio wird am Sonntag, den 3.10.2010 eine Sondersendung<br />

auf Kurzwelle senden. Zum Einsatz kommt die bekannte Frequenz 5980 kHz via<br />

Kall-Krekel, das Programm ist von 0600-1200 UTC zu hoeren.<br />

Weiterhin gibt es von 0900-1000 UTC[daily] die taegliche Sendung auf<br />

5980 kHz.<br />

Informationen ueber das Hamburger Lokalradio (Team, Adresse, andere<br />

Frequenzen) unter <br />

Empfangsberichte bestaetigt das HHLR gegen Rueckporto mit einer QSL-Karte.<br />

Radio700 sendet ebenfalls via Krekel auf 6005 kHz von<br />

0900-1700 UTC [daily].<br />

Am 26.09.2010 sendet hier uebrigens Radio Gloria International um<br />

0900-1000 UTC.<br />

(73, Douglas Kaehler-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 22)<br />

GUATEMALA Wayne Berger of TGN has died, in Jerusalem.<br />

May I inform you that the Engineer Wein from Radio Cultural TGN died today<br />

in Jerusalem. I am sorry, I don't know how to spell his family name. I<br />

suppose he went to a tourist trip to Israel in these days, but I am not<br />

sure about it. I heard the sad news at Canal 27, a Guatemalan Christian<br />

Channel. Please inform the other radio listeners. Blessings!<br />

(Edith Madrid-GTM, dxld Sept 21)<br />

Yes, it's Wayne Berger, director of Radio Cultural. The notice has just<br />

appeared on the TGN home page:<br />

<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld)<br />

4055 Radio Verdad at 0414 UT, om en espanol, palabras de dios, 0416 UT<br />

distorted organ music with cantante over music, ID at 0433 UT, om "Radio<br />

Verdad - ... metros banda de onda corta, ... Apardado .......,<br />

Guatemala, America Central". Best with agc off and RF set back. FMing ?,<br />

22 September.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sept 22)<br />

GUYANA 3290 G<strong>BC</strong>, at 0840 UT, presumed the one with Hindi music. Weak<br />

and mixing with co-channel Radio Central PNG, which was fading-up. 10<br />

Sept.<br />

(David Sharp-NSW-AUS, dxld Sept 22)<br />

INDIA Log 5010 kHz AIR IND via Thiruvananthapuram, Sept 21 at 1535 UTC<br />

in English, SIO 433.<br />

(Theodor Averbeck-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 21)<br />

Am 21.09.2010 schrieb: Hallo Theo ! Am 21.09.2010, schrieb Theodor<br />

Averbeck:<br />

Tx-Station Chennai IND / Tx-Coordinates<br />

13.137680676258235 E 80.12454092502594 N [sic]<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/bcdx981.txt[11.06.2012 10:40:20]

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