BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


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(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 24)<br />

INDIA 5010 noted back 1445 UT. Today Thiruvananthapuram 5010 is off the<br />

air at 1400 UT. 5040 kHz is continuing to have serious audio problems.<br />

4837.24 kHz Gangtok is continuing to be off frequency. During the hayday<br />

of tropical band activity on 60metres Indian regionals and Sri Lankans<br />

were a darn headache blocking out a good number of <strong>DX</strong> signals, but today<br />

they are a great welcome as well as the introduction of Leh, Gangtok,<br />

Aizawl which came later. With the recent problems on some of these<br />

transmitters and also such lovely stations like Kohima and Itanagar with<br />

limited or hardly any regular operations, I wonder whether AIR is<br />

abandoning its domestic SW coverage, like Sri Lanka did much to my<br />

disappointment. India is no banana republic, about the second fastest<br />

growing economy and there shouldn't be any lack of technical know how to<br />

fix these. Jose any comments?<br />

I hope this message will get reflected as I am having serious problems<br />

with dx-india. I see my congratulatory message to Jose is still pending.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>india July 23)<br />

Re: Indian regional stations.<br />

Dear Victor, about the AIR SW Regional Stations / transmitters my guess is<br />

that it shall continue be on air till it becomes unserviceable. Already SW<br />

transmitters in Jammu and Ranchi are off air for many years with no signs<br />

of returning. Several other SW transmitters which have already completed<br />

their normal service period is kept on the air although they are facing<br />

several technical and staff shortage problems etc.<br />

I have not yet come across many proposals about replacing the Regional<br />

Transmitters although some DRM SW transmitters are going to be set up in<br />

Delhi, Aligarh & Bangalore etc.<br />

It is a fact that with the influx of TV channels (cable & DTH) most peple<br />

go in for TV rather than radio.<br />

However, wIth the lauching of private FM stations, there is indeed revival<br />

in listenership of FM stations. More and more FM stations are expected to<br />

come up in future also by AIR and Private parties.<br />

Let us watch and and wait and monitor AIR SW Regional stations as long as<br />

the show goes on. Yours sincerely,<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india July 24)<br />

INDONESIA 4605 Reactivated RRI Serui. I confirm the reactivated of RRI<br />

Serui on 4605 kHz at 1000 UT on July 20 with fair signal. Local ID at 0959<br />

UT and Jakarta news relay at 1100 UT.<br />

<br />

I was not able to receive it since last May.<br />

(A. Ishida-JPN, via Sei-ichi Hasegawa-JPN, N<strong>DX</strong>C via dxld July 21)<br />

4789.96 RRI Fak Fak, 1208-1228, July 10. Another Saturday (same thing<br />

noted on July 3) of not carrying the Jakarta news relay, whereas most days<br />

they do. Is it only on Saturday that they don't? Played pop Indonesian<br />

songs. Nice to see that Atsunori Ishida's blog (Indonesian Radio Stations)<br />

has been updated to reflect no JN at 1200 UT for July 3. Thank you<br />

Atsunori!<br />

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